#EDTC300,  Learning Project

Pin There Done That

Making a Mask: Take Two

If last week was all about trying something new, this week is all about doing more of the same! Instead of moving on to something new, I decided to make another and try to perfect the mask that I created last week.

If you haven’t, check out my post from last week to get a better idea about what I’m going to be covering today.

This go around, I made some tweaks to the pattern and the process that I think helped make everything go more smoothly and turn out better than my first attempt.

The Changes

With my last mask, the main problems that I had was that it was a little too small, and I was struggling with uneven seams and topstitching, I also struggled with the instructions and steps that I was using the first time around, which caused me to make a few mistakes.

The second time around, I was much more prepared, I knew exactly what I needed to do, I was able to work out what the instructions meant (at least to an extent that worked out and resulted in a mask) and I knew what changes I wanted to make.

So the first change was to the size of the pattern. I traced the same mask that I used the previous attempt but I made it a few centimeters bigger the whole way round. This made sure that the mask would fit me at the end, especially because I’m still working on making my seams completely even.

The other thing that I kept in mind was the opening to turn the mask inside out. The first time I attempted to make the mask I struggled a bit with the instructions and as a result, didn’t know how to finish off the mask and sew up the hole that I used to turn the mask the right way. In the instructions that I followed, there was no mention of topstitching and from what I could tell, there was no topstitching added, so rather than doing it last minute, I consciously decided to add a topstitch to finish the mask and make it look complete.

Check out this video to see the final product!

Next Project

One of my main reasons for choosing this project was so that I could eventually start creating things that I could use and wear myself.


My next post will be starting off simple with my attempts to create a pair of shorts.


  • Janelle Boutin

    Hey Abby!
    Good for you for making another mask after last week’s didn’t turn out (from what I understand in your post)! Sewing can be so useful, as you are able to make things you can use (masks, clothes, etc.)! Your video you created of your mask-making process was awesome! It took me back to home-ec class in high school…. I used to sew all the time (I made pot holders, coasters, pyjamas, quilts!). Sewing can be tricky and it can be frustrating when things don’t work out…. good for you for taking this on for your learning project!

  • Sarah Stroeder

    Hi Abby! I love that you took the time to retry making a mask. Learning from mistakes & improving is what this learning project is all about! Although, I do have to say I thought your first mask looked lovely as well. Your videos are great, it’s really nice to get to see your process throughout! For your next post, you could try adding a couple pictures to really capture your reader’s eye and break up the text. Also, it would be great if you added links to the pattern you are using or online resources that you learnt from that week! I am super excited to see how your shorts turn out!!

  • Trista Kennett

    Wow Abby!
    This week’s hard effort paid off. That mask looks so great! I really appreciated your step-by-step tutorial and the way you used a video to show off your skills. I am excited to see your last week’s learning project post soon! Best of luck!

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