Category: EDTC300

Why to Incorporate Yoga in the Classroom

14 Amazing Benefits Of Yoga In Schools Reduces stress and anxiety Yoga helps dealing with stress and brings back some peace of mind. Improves memory and attention span “Yoga helps to improve the memory function in both adults and children, a direct benefit of which would be a better academic performance in children. It also…

By ABBY LYNNES June 22, 2022 0

Fake News

Fact and fiction can be difficult to distinguish and fake news can spread very quickly and do some serious harm. Fake news is meant to trick people into believing a lie or unfairly discrediting a person or political movement.  In order for students to learn how to identify misleading sources, teachers need to ensure that…

By ABBY LYNNES June 22, 2022 0

Learning Yoga – Week 5

Hello! I wanted to switch things up this week and focus on power yoga instead of traditional yoga by finding a fun yoga class to follow online!  Alo Yoga has a great variety of yoga classes on YouTube to practice. I picked the 30-Minute Energizing Power Vinyasa Flow with Briohny Smyth. Here is the link:…

By ABBY LYNNES June 21, 2022 0

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship education in Saskatchewan was created for students and educators to be able to use technology safely and effectively in and outside the classroom. “Supporting students of all grade levels and through all subjects to learn appropriate and responsible online behavior through integration of digital citizenship instruction will help ensure that children and youth…

By ABBY LYNNES June 21, 2022 0

How to do Sirshasana ~ Headstand Pose

Hello everyone! This week I will be focusing on my Shirshasana posture, also known as the yoga headstand. The headstand is often referred to as the King of the Asanas because of its mental and physical benefits.  Physical benefits: 1). Gives the heart a well deserved rest, as gravity helps return blood to the heart. …

By ABBY LYNNES May 26, 2022 0

The Sun Salutation

All sessions of Yoga asanas begin with the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation. This warm-up exercise consists of a sequence of 12 positions that promotes flexibility, regulates the breath, and focuses the mind. Once the positions have been learned, it is important to synchronize the movements with the breath.  The 12 steps are: 1). Standing…

By ABBY LYNNES May 19, 2022 0

Utilizing Twitter

Educators are consistently trying to find new strategies that will help students stay more focused in class but can be difficult to obtain. In lieu of taking away students’ technology, educators can join forces with students by implementing technology in their teachings. Teenagers love being on their phones and utilizing Twitter is a great way…

By ABBY LYNNES May 18, 2022 0

Welcome to my Yoga Mind&Body Journey

Welcome to my learning project journey! I have been wanting to learn more about yoga for quite some time now, but I never made the time for it in my day. This project is my incentive to practice doing yoga more often and hopefully become a yogi master by the end of spring. I am…

By ABBY LYNNES May 17, 2022 0


Hello everyone! My name is Abby and I cannot wait to get to know you all. I have very little experience with educational technology, but I am very excited to learn more about it this spring. I always disliked using unfamiliar resources because I found it very intimidating, but I began to embrace using technology…

By ABBY LYNNES May 17, 2022 0