Hola a todos!

The second of three parts, as promised.
I can’t believe how I spent the semester, I am clearly shocked.
Upon arriving at the EDTC300 course I was surprised that several had gone through courses that are prerequisites to get here. As an exchange student, I went straight through as I had taken similar courses in my country. But nothing prepared me to see what we saw here.
My classmates were the motivation to keep writing my posts, their reflections often left an impression on me and I greatly appreciated that. While I know I didn’t give any advice that was really influential in their projects I did spend time reading and taking a deep interest in each of them. Every positive message of congratulations, interest, and questions was from my inexperience and wanting to know.
Through Twitter and Edusites I feel I had a great reach into the projects and thoughts of my colleagues and their worlds related to teaching. I am just grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this course with you. I appreciate your Twitter posts that sometimes guided me and your blog posts that made me curious.
Thank you so much EDTC300 and thank you Katia for taking us down this path.

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