I love who I have been, but I really love who I am becoming -- Dulce Ruby

Category: Learning Project (Page 1 of 2)

From Novice to Ninja: My Journey with Teacher A.I.

As this semester draws to a close, so does my experience with my online learning project.  I have to admit, I was slightly irritatedtrust your journey text on wooden signpost outdoors in landscape scenery during blue hour and sunset. by this assignment initially…ok maybe more than slightly, but the thought of trying to find time to learn how to do something trivial online was infuriating and daunting.  Luckily my brain made a connection between the need to learn how to do something online for this class and the requirement to use teacher A.I. in another class.  Why not kill two birds with one stone and document my learning of teacher A.I. as I explore and use it for another class…work smarter not harder!!

The use of A.I. in education is often fraught with controversy and many ethical dilemmas.  In my role as an educational assistant I have caught my fair share of students using AI technology such as ChatGPT and PhotoMath to cheat or do the work for them, and that type of use I am against.  A conversation with a veteran teacher at work first opened my eyes to the possibility that AI might actually be able to Save(Not Destroy) Education provided we view and use it as a tool to enhance and differentiate our teaching while easing our workload.  And so I decided to bring other future teachers along as I embarked on a  journey of discovering the possibilities presented by teacher AI.


Week 1: The Future is Now: Exploring Teacher A.I.

  • Introducing the idea of teacher A.I. programs 
  • Sharing my decision making process in choosing this for my learning project
  • Listed 3 programs I planned to explore in the upcoming weeks;

Week 2: Do You Believe in Magic? You will!

Week 3: Harnessing the Magic of Canva A.I.

  • This week I learned how to use an online screen casting tool to give a step by step demonstration of some of the features of Canva Magic Write
  • Used Canva Magic Write to create a vlog post

Week 4: B-”risk” It!

  • Challenged to explore a new online tool to document our learning this week
  • Created an infographic introducing Google Brisk AI using Picktochart

Week 5: The Tool That Changes Everything

  • Chose this tool to explore based on the recommendation of one of the Learning Resource Teachers (LRT) at work
  • Highlighted the change level and language features and how they would benefit students
  • Shared  video You Can do WHAT with Google Chrome Extension Brisk Teaching to highlight additional features

Week 6: Thanks TikTok! No really, THANK YOU!

Week 7: From Setback to Success! My First TikTok Post

  • Decided to expand my online learning further by trying to create my own TikTok post

    ♬ original sound – mrsB

  • Shared my struggles and eventual success with navigating this online tool

Week 8:Tricky, Tricky!

  • While working on another assignment for another class, I discovered something very frustrating with my MagicSchool AI
  • Created a vlog to share what I noticed and my thoughts about what I found
  • Introduced the new Magic Student AI and posed the question whether or not we should teach our students how to use AI

Week 9: Here to Stay

Week 10: Tech Treasures

Top Takeaways from this experience of learning and documenting my learning online:
  1. AI programs can have a place in our classrooms and teaching provided we are using it as a tool to supplement our own contributions and not a substitute for our knowledge.  We still need to tweak and adapt AI generated resources to meet the needs of our students.  There is a wide variety of resources out there to help with many aspects of our teaching and planning, we just have to find them.
  2. Social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook and Instagram can be invaluable tools for online learning as well as sharing our learning with other teachers that you otherwise never would have been able to.  It is a great place to start when looking for AI resources by seeing what other teachers and influencers are talking about and have found helpful.
  3. Blogging (and the occasional vlog) provide a great way to share information with colleagues and receive instant constructive feedback and tips.  I have actually shared the link to my learning project blog with several work colleagues who were intrigued with the AI resources I was finding and wanted to learn more. The informal nature of the writing and ability to express my genuine thoughts and personality was appreciated and a refreshing break from the usual academic writing.
  4. It is very very easy to get overwhelmed and fall down the rabbit hole of information, especially YouTube videos and TikTok posts, but at the same time, it is possible to set and maintain healthy boundaries around social media usage that will prevent this.
Parting thoughts

Ninja leans out from behind laptopReflecting on this online learning project including the challenges I’ve overcome and the knowledge I’ve gained, I can proudly say that I have embraced the power of online learning and teacher AI programs.  I have expanded my thinking to include platforms outside of the typical internet and Google searches (and my own comfort zone) by embracing and learning new platforms such as TikTok in order to ensure I am receiving and sharing the best tools out there. As I write this final blog post, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the continued growth that lies ahead and am grateful for this experience that has pushed me to adapt, grow, and thrive in the digital age.  

Thank you for joining me on my journey from AI novice to educational technology ninja.

Tech Treasures

So now that I have spent all this time exploring various teacher A.I. programs, which ones did I find the most useful and would recommend?  I made a few short videos using Powtoon  which I planned to put together into one cohesive video highlighting how to use my favourite tools, however the free version of Powtoon only allows a 3 minute video without paying.  After several hours of trying to get the idea in my head out on a computer, and several not so nice words, I decided to just share the individual videos I created of each tool.

Have a look and let me know your favourites!

Google Brisk – Level and Translate Features

Canva Magic Write – Slide Templates

Magic School A.I. – Rubric Generator

Magic School A.I. – Unit Plan Generator


Here to Stay

Last week I posed the question, “Do you think we should be teaching our students how to effectively and safely use AI?”  The use of AI in general can be a very touchy subject with very polarizing beliefs.  Like it or not, AI is not going anywhere and whether we allow it or not, our students are going to find ways to use it. So what if, instead of condoning it’s use, we embrace it and teach our students how to use it effectively and efficiently?

As I explored the use of teacher AI, and once I found Magic Student, I found myself thinking more and more about the role AI and its effective use of it will play in the lives of our students.  As such, do we have a responsibility as educators to be embracing this technology and showing our students how to use it for good?  What resources are out there to help us navigate adding this to our curriculum? So I went looking, and was surprised at what I found.

The Alberta Teachers Association Library has created an entire section titled “Artificial Intelligence in Education” with links to numerous articles, videos, blog posts and even student perspectives on AI in our classrooms.  In fact there is Word writing text Toolkit. Business photo showcasing set of tools kept in a bag or box and used for a particular purpose Female human wear formal work suit presenting presentation use smart deviceeven one titled AI 101 For Teachers that is designed specifically for teachers who are interested in exploring AI and it’s potential to transform education as we know it.

AI For Teachers is another great site that provides a host of resources and professional development opportunities.  Not only is this site designed to support teachers as they integrate artificial intelligence into the classrooms, it also provides a host of educational resources such as lesson plans to incorporate all kinds of educational technology into our classes such as coding, facial recognition and even a unit plan on the ethics of artificial intelligence.

Code.org has also created an AI Guidance For Schools Toolkit that is deigned to help school systems at every level worldwide to develop guidance and inform policy on the responsible use of AI and includes sections specifically designed to guide teachers in their own use as well as students’ use of AI to complete assignments.  The goal of this toolkit is to provide a framework around incorporating AI into our educational systems.  

Think of all of the technology we currently use in our classrooms that were once considered The Future is Callingunimaginable or something not to be trusted.  Computers, VCR’s, television, projectors all at one time were viewed and questioned much in the same way we are now with AI.  If the goal of education is to prepare our students for the future then we owe it to them to prepare them for one that includes AI because it’s here to stay.

From Setback to Success! My First TikTok Post.

Last week I entered the world of TikTok and highlighted creators and influencers regarding teacher AI tools.  This week I thought I would step even further out of my comfort zone and try creating my own TikTok post about the tool that has been a lifesaver this week, Magic School AI and specifically the Unit Plan Generator which has been an invaluable tool as I prepare to enter my pre-internship teaching block next week.

Well lemme tell ya….this was a wee bit of an effort in frustration.  I began trying to record a video using the online app Screen Capture which was super easy to use…until I tried to upload my video to TikTok.  Enter frustration one.  No matter how many times I tried and re-recorded and shortened my video, TikTok kept saying it was over the 10 minute time limit which it DEFINITELY was not.😠I gave up and decided to record on the app on my phone.

This was relatively easy to use and  I loved playing around with the effects and music.  It appeared I had done it and created my first ever TikTok post.  Enter frustration number 2…I could see the video on my profile on my app but could not find it anywhere else and when I tried sharing the link it wouldn’t show up.😡After countless attempts, checking privacy settings etc., I finally discovered that I had not actually posted it.  One click, a few seconds and VIOLA!!  ❤️It is definitely not perfect and I have so much still to learn (like how to give it a title 🙈) but I didn’t give up!

Check out my first ever TikTok video and definitely check out Magic School AI.


♬ original sound – mrsB

Thanks TikTok! No really, THANK YOU!

Up until recently I was probably one of the few people on the planet who had not yet downloaded the social media app TikTok.  I know it’s hard to believe, right?  In the early days I saw a lot of the not so great parts of TikTok and the effect it had on some of our students.  Add to that documentaries I have watched such as The Social Dilemma and I was even more resistant to signing up for another social media account designed to keep me scrolling mindlessly for hours on end.  Even when I began this learning blog, I relied solely on traditional online websites and showcasing them.  While that has its place and purpose, I started to realize how I was limiting myself and the tools I may be able to find and decided, VERY reluctantly, to turn to social media apps in search of new teacher AI and oh my goodness am I glad I did!

A quick google search turned up multiple TikTok content creators or influencers with posts about everything teaching related from humour to teaching tips and tutorials and yes ones that specifically deal with teacher AI such as @teach2ai or Canadian teacher @jessicam.reid. I have to say the one that has impressed me the most so far is Brittany @msprincessteach who’s entire focus is empowering teachers to break the burnout cycle, including a series she calls “There’s an Automation for That” where teachers tell her what is stressing them out the most and she provides automations to reduce teacher burnout (insert teacher AI here!).


🆓 Must Have Teacher Tool to Grade Essays in a fraction of the time ➡️ @class companion For more teacher automations to save you time check out: ⤵️ 🎥@Brittany• Teacher Burnout Tips 🎥@Brittany• Teacher Burnout Tips #teachertips #tipsforteachers #teacherresources #teacherwebsites #aiteachertools #teachertools #teachermusthaves #teachertiptok #teachertok #teachersoftiktok #aiforteachers #teachertechtips #classcompanionpartner

♬ original sound – Brittany• Teacher Burnout Tips

While some posts contain reference to specific AI tools and sites that she has used to help with the heavy burden of teacher workload, she also speaks to some of the controversy and conversation surrounding the use of AI by teachers which can be a valuable tool when confronted with student, parent and even admin questions about our use of teacher AI.


If teachers are using Artificial Intelligence in the classroom, should students be able to, too? 🤔 i want to know your thoughts. #aiintheclassroom #teacherai #aiforteachers #teachertok #edutok

♬ original sound – Brittany• Teacher Burnout Tips

In addition, she also has her own website dedicated to helping teachers beat burnout by providing resources, training and practical steps to help create a sustainable teaching career.  If all of that isn’t enough, she also has her own podcast,  The Resilient Teacher,  which can be accessed from your favourite podcast player and subscribe.

This woman and all she has to offer to fellow teachers is mind blowing and truly an inspiration and I am so grateful I stepped outside of my comfort zone and downloaded a social media app that allowed me to find such a great resource..  Words, I never thought I would say without sarcasm but…

Thanks TikTok!!

🤩The Tool That Changes Everything!

Google Brisk Teaching is another teacher AI tool that I first learned about from my Learning Resource Teacher at work.  She said it is life changing not only for teachers but more importantly for our students and she wished more teachers knew about it, so of course I had to share it.

It is a Chrome Extension that you easily add to your browser where you can also pin it to your toolbar.  While it mainly works within Google Docs, the great part is you can use it on any webpage!  For example,News article with google brisk icon in bottom right corner I pulled up a story from the Regina Leader Post, and if you look in the bottom right corner, there is my Brisk icon.  If I click on it I can then access any of Brisks AI tools and use them for this article.  I could create a lesson around it, a resource or even a quiz but probably the BEST feature of Google Brisk is the ability to change reading level and even language for any text! Oh yes I do mean ANY text!

Have a look, I took the same article from the Leader Post that Brisk has identified as being a 12th grade reading level. With a few clicks I can adjust it to any grade level and Brisk will open a new google doc with the article at the adjusted grade level I requested, complete with a link to the original article!  Now let’s say we have some EAL’s learners ingoogle brisk prompt asking to adjust grade level and language our class, we can also have Brisk change the language, such as to Ukrainian and with a few clicks, once again a new doc at the specified grade level AND language!  I know, mind blown right? 🤯 Just think of how life changing this will be for our students.  They can read the same short stories and articles as their classmates but at a level or language that best meets their needs while allowing them to still engage in class activities with their peers about the reading.

And this is just one of the many features Google Brisk has to offer.  This great short video highlights some more features such as the feedback tool including glows and grows and AI detection.  Check it out and let me know your thoughts about this impressive teacher AI tool.


B-“risk” It!!

This week I was challenged with exploring a new tool and using it to document my learning this week.  I chose to explore Piktochart, an online app that claims to be the  latest AI powered infographic maker as it seemed to fit perfectly into the challenge we were given and for the focus of my learning project.  To read my full review of the app, visit my EDTC 300 post Not All Apps are Created Equal 

This week I wanted to introduce Brisk Teaching, a Google extension designed to make teachers lives easier.  The infographic provided a great way to highlight some of the features this program has to offer in an eye-catching way.  The pre-made, AI generated template saved me a ton of time, but as with any AI, the content it generated was not always accurate and vague requiring a fair amount of editing on my part.  While Piktochart is not a program I will use often or ever again really, I am proud of how it came out and hopefully what I created piqued your interest enough to check out next weeks post where I will explore Brisk Teaching in greater detail.

Infographic describing Google Brisk Teacher AI

Harnessing the Magic of Canva A.I.

I spent this week looking into and learning about the various A.I. features of Canva for Education.  I started by exploring the  Try Magic Write for Education page .  As someone who is a visual learner, I decided the best way for me to share what I have learned was to create a video (in Canva of course!) and show you some of these amazing features and share some of the tips and tricks I have uncovered along the way through the use of a screen casting tool.  So follow along as I harness the magic of Canva A.I.


Do you believe in magic? You will!

Bewitched Book With Magic Glows In The DarknessMost educators and students are aware of Canva, an online graphic design tool that allows users to create a host of projects from presentations to videos and much, much more.  Many of us have used it for assignments or projects, most likely with the free version unless you have paid for the PRO version at a cost of $149.99/year.  Now here is where I am going to change your life. There is also a special version of Canva, designed and available to educators for free, yes for FREE, that provides access not only to all the features of the PRO service, but also to the life changing Magic Write for Education AI tools!!

Why do I want this magic?

Firstly, Canva is something we are already familiar with so many of the features we already know how to use. Teachers are stretched thin.  Between busy, overcrowded classrooms with a range of diverse learners, add in the demands of planning and preparing engaging lessons that meet the curriculum and there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  Using a program we are already familiar with and adding the magic of  AI will help to ease the burden by doing some of the work for us without reinventing the wheel so to speak.  Think of how many hours it took for you  to create that slide show for last weeks science lesson.  With these tools, it will be done in minutes!

How do I find this magic?

To access Magic Write for Education, you will first need to sign up for the Canva for Education where in addition to all the amazing PRO features, teachers can create classrooms and invite students, giving them access to all the features Canva for Education has to offer.  

Educators can review student work within their account and can also set controls for which AI tools students can access. To sign up you will need to verify your credentials which can be done through use of a verified educational email domain, or your school or district’s Clever, Microsoft, or Google account.  I was able to sign up using my staff photo identification card that came with our yearly school photos.  Once you are approved, then the magic can happen!  

What kind of magic can I create:

Canva Magic Write AI tools can be used by educators to generate ideas, create presentations and other learning materials, refine and differentiate those materials, create full lesson plans and can be used in all areas of Canva design.  So how do we create the magic you ask?  Tune in next week to find out!!

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