Week 3 Learning Project:


For my learning project this week it was a little less organized than I would of liked it to be. Some of the things that I have done throughout the week includes warm up drawing activities. Making basics shapes such as squares, circles and rectangles into objects that I saw around the room. I am also beginning to add shading to show shadows depending on where light is hitting the object and to create depth.

New Skills and Techniques

The skill that I worked on this week was more sketching rather than directly trying to draw straight lines that did not always look straight. I really like this techniques because it allows you to sketch lightly and once you have found the right line you can bolden it and erase the mistakes away.

The other technique that I have started to work on is adding shading to make the object pop a little bit more. It also helps to show where the light is hitting the object. For this skill, I watched a video that talked about how circles with shading allow the object to look more 3-D and it adds depth to a piece of paper.

What comes next?

To be completely honest I’m not 100% certain what new skill I will be focused on next. Two of the things that I keep coming across that interest me include Perspective Drawing which might be a pretty big jump from where I am at right now. The other one is some kind of directed drawing. I am probably going to attempt the Perspective Drawing.

One of the big things that I have noticed is that drawing can actually be pretty calming and it definitely keeps the mind busy. So we will see how well it goes…….


One Reply to “Week 3 Learning Project:”

  1. Hi Cody,
    I can see the improvements in your drawings. Your shadowing of the objects makes the objects much more 3-D. I think that the ball looks the best, but the stapler comes a close second. I can’t wait to see more of your progression.

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