Within the document Teacher Professionalism- A public trust were many quotes that resonated with me. One quote being listed under the heading “Commitments to teaching and learning”. The quote stated “To support each student in reaching their highest levels of individual growth across intellectual, social-emotional, spiritual and physical domains” (Teacher Professionalism- A public trust). As a future teacher I want to help my students explore and find what makes them love what they do while helping each of them reach their highest potential. I believe teachers need to commit to helping their students grow and learn across all four of the domains listed in the quote (intellectual, social-emotional, spiritual and physical) and it is a teacher’s duty to support their students on their journey through education. Another quote that stood out to me was one listed under “Commitments to standards of practice”. The quote stated, “To work with colleagues in mutually supportive ways and develop effective professional relationships with members of the educational community” (Teacher Professionalism- A public trust). This quote stood out to me because it is extremely important to have a good relationship when working with others in the same field as you. A support system and people you can turn to for advice is very important. You can learn from each other as well as create a comfortable work environment for yourself and collogues.
I believe being a professional means to have good work ethic and dedication, being respectful, responsible and ethical. It also means to be knowledgeable, dress appropriately and to speak appropriate language. Being a professional is part of being a teacher, but I also believe it is expected of me as a student in the faculty of education. I think in order to become a professional we need to act like one. this means I am expected to work hard, show up to classes on time, be prepared, be respectful of students and professors and act appropriately. It is our duty to learn as much as possible while studying in the faculty of education.
In a lot of ways, I think that we are teachers 24 hours a day. I say this because it is our duty to remain professional even outside of school. Parents place a lot of trust in teachers to educate their kids and we want the parents to know that we are professional individuals who want the best for their children. Teachers need to make sure they act professional and continue to set good examples even outside of the classroom.