My teaching philosophy consists of my values, beliefs and goals during my time as a teacher in and out of the classroom. I believe everyone has the right to be active participants in learning in order to build confidence and success for ourselves. This is done through respect for oneself and others, honesty, courage and individual strength.
Pedagogical: I believe that through knowledge, we grow together. As an educator I feel that it is important for students to learn through collaboration while actively participating and exploring creativity to instill confidence and success within their learnings. My goal is to provide students with a variety of methods to learning and to enable students to find their own individual strengths and passions. I want to show each student that walks through my classroom doors that they have my full support for them as a whole.
Assessing: When assessing students, I believe that it is critical to form relationships with each individual. It is in no way fair to grade a student if one does not understand how that student learns. When an educator forms relationships with a student and understands how a student learns best, they can then provide opportunities for the individual to explore and reach their full potential within their learnings. As students explore, I would use formative assessments as a way to assist students with figuring out how and what needs to be learned. Only when students are provided with the right tools, can a fair assessment take place both formatively and eventually summatively.
Social Justice: It is important to create a safe space for students to enter that is inclusive by accepting all abilities, genders, sex, cultures and races. Knowledge in the classroom will be anti-bias, providing students with the opportunities to see themselves through my teachings. I strongly believe that knowledge has the power to bring people together, and by everyone having the opportunity to be educated on the past, we can grow and learn to make better for the future together. It is important for students to learn about their history whether it be good or bad so they can take that information with them in life and grow from it. As an educator I will make sure to continue taking every opportunity to learn more so that I can provide up to date knowledge to my students.
Inspire: As a teacher I want to inspire students by showing my passion for learning. I believe that students notice a teacher who is engaged and committed to learning. By seeing the teacher inspired, it can in turn inspire students to want the same. Creating fun lessons for students shows that there are multiple ways of learning that can be engaging and exciting. I also want to teach children that it is okay to make mistakes because it is part of learning. By instilling this in students, they can then take this with them for life long learning.