“Running Down the Riptide”

This week for my learning project, I wanted to try and learn a song on the guitar. So, I looked up YouTube easy-to-learn guitar songs for beginners. This gave me many different options, but I wanted to choose a song I at least knew to a small degree. After scrolling, I saw the song “Riptide” by Vance Joy and clicked on the YouTube video.



I listened to the song as the man in the video played through it on his guitar before pulling my guitar out as he began to explain the music. The first thing that had to be done was to learn the three chords used in the song. These were, for the most part, new chords for me as I hadn’t known the Fm chord yet and was not entirely familiar with playing the G and C chords, but once I had practiced the chords a little bit, I got easier.


The video introduces a strumming pattern, but I am not the strongest at strumming while changing chords. So, instead of following the way recommended, I played at the beginning of the strum only and sometimes in between when I found it necessary.


I found it easier to make sure I was playing the right note, and it sounded right and in key with the song when I was singing, so this is a video clip of my best play of the song’s chorus.


4 Replies to ““Running Down the Riptide””

  1. Great job! Sounds like you have a couple chords down, and you have figured out how to use a capo.. How do your fingers feel.. 😀

  2. Meghan LeCuyer says: Reply

    You sound great! You have a beautiful voice! I’ve always admired people who could sing and play an instrument. I can’t wait to see what else you improve upon this semester

  3. Laura Githegi says: Reply

    Love the song choice! This is sounding great and we’re only a couple months in. Can’t wait to hear more:)

  4. Faith! I am impressed! Singing and playing the guitar at the same time is hard, but singing and playing the guitar at the same time and doing it well… incredible! Way to go Faith! Keep it up, I’ll be watching out for you to play at the Grammys this year!

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