Important Quotes

I want you to succeed in life more than anything, but you are gonna want it more. -My Grandpa

The influence of teachers extends beyond the classroom, well into the future. -F.Sionil Jose

Family first, but I have love and memories with everyone across. -Joseph Naytowhow, Knowledge Keeper

We need to create I’Thou connections with our students for stronger relationships. -Dr.Fatima

We need to be open to learning from each other including our students. -Dr.Fatima

Technology is just a tool in terms of getting kids to work together and motivating them, the teaching is the most important. -Bill Gates

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. -Mark Van Doren

Choosing to become a teacher is a big responsibility, you’re impacting the future of a generation to come. That’s why it is the perfect job for you. -My Father