Subject/Grade: Health 9                                  Lesson Title: Family Structures Teacher: Jayden Tokar-Katz


Stage 1: Identify Desired Results


Outcome(s)/Indicator(s): OUT: USC 8.2 – Analyze how personal prejudices/biases and habits of mind shape assumptions about family identities, structures, roles, and responsibilities. IND: a) Describe a variety of family structures (e.g., nuclear, mixed, childless, foster, same-sex, single parent, extended).


Key Understandings: (‘I Can’ statements)

  • I can identify different family structures
  • I can identify a family
  • I can identify the pros and cons of different family structures

Essential Questions:

  • What are the pros and cons of different family structures
  • What are the different types of family structures?
  • What is a family?


Prerequisite Learning:

  • Students must have a basic understanding of different sexual orientations. Gay, lesbian, bisexual etc.


Instructional Strategies:

  • Journals
  • Think-Pair-Share
  • Cooperative groups
  • Brainstorming


Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning


Journals – Prior to the lecture part of the lesson, students will describe, in a journal, their at-home family. Then, after the lecture, students will finish the journal entry by assigning a type of family structure to their family based on their description and if they might alter anything about their previous description given what they know now. (Formative)


3-2-1 – As well, students will be asked to fill out a reflection piece describing three things they learned, two things they found interesting and 1 question they still have. (Formative


Stage 3: Build Learning Plan


Set (Engagement):


The instructor will pose the question to the class, “What is a family?” and pair up the students to discuss this question to allow for healthy discussion the instructor will explain debate etiquette to the students ie., everyone is entitled to their opinion, then, after a few minutes, return with their definitions and share a few of them with the class. Then the instructor will start a brainstorming organizer on the board, jotting down different definitions and statements about what a family, eventually coming up with a definition for “family.” While creating the mindmap on the board students will follow along on their own piece of paper creating a graphic organizer.(10 mins)




The instructor will take a few minutes drawing stick figure diagrams, visualizing all the listed family structures and labelling them 1 through 6 with their titles. After briefly describing the family (ie. nuclear is husband and wife with children), The instructor will then arrange the students into six groups and assign each group a family structure. The groups will then be asked to provide a definition for their family structure as well as three strengths and one weakness of their family structure. 


Nuclear: A nuclear family is one with two parents, often married and their children. This tends to be the most common family type, with the core principle being the whole family and all the children being raised and living under one roof.


Single: A single-parent family is one where there is only one parent present in the child’s life. 


Mixed: A mixed family is one with two parents and also an extended family like aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. 


Same-sex: A same-sex family is one where two people of the same sex are the parents.


Grandparents A grandparent family is one where the parents are the grandparents. 


Family without kids: this family is about two (or more) people in a relationship who have no children. 


(30 mins)


Learning Closure: 

The instructor will take a few minutes to tell students that it is important to respect and value every family regardless of its composition, encourage students to appreciate the uniqueness of each family, and emphasize that love and support are what truly matters in a family. The instructor will poll the class for any remaining questions, and then students will fill out a 3-2-1 journal. Three things they learned, two things they found interesting and one question they still have. (10 mins)                     


Materials/Resources: Whiteboard with markers. Students need journals,


 Possible Adaptations/

Differentiation:  Personal reflection, visual depictions, visual organizer, auditory answers, cooperative learning.


Management Strategies: For most of the lesson, the instructor will be leading the conversations until the students are asked to split into groups. If conversations during the instructor-led discussions go off-topic, the instructor will lead the conversation back on topic, and if groups lead-off track, they will be reminded that they will have to share with the class and they need an answer ready.


Safety Considerations:


Students may feel vulnerable when asked about their family situation.