Thoughts about Technology Usage

  • I’m glad this is our prompt this week.  I think about my technology usage and how it impacts my life on a regular basis.  I set a goal for myself to use my phone 4.5 hours a day.  I’ll admit that it was really tough to hit that for a long time.  This year I have decided to become more disciplined about it and have become more successful.
  • The apps that I use most frequently are leisure apps – social media mostly.  I am on my Google Drive a surprising amount, though!
  • I mostly use my notes app to stay organized – I have a running to do list, a thoughts, and a goals list.  I will go through the notes once in a while and reorganize them into my planner or journal. I put medical appointments into my phone calendar and have a shared google calendar with my parents for childcare purposes.
  • The apps that take up the most time and are the most distracting are Tik Tok and Instagram.  I have chosen to avoid the FYP on Tik Tok, and I only scroll the page of the people I follow.  If I let myself go on the FYP, I could be on there for an hour easily, watching mindless videos of things I don’t even care about!  I regularly unfollow accounts if I find they no longer serve me!
  • I find my biggest struggle now is that I tend to burn my screen time out on leisure things, and then I’m sick of screens but still have work/academic tasks to do.  I need to start finishing my academic work earlier in the day so I still have the screen energy for the important tasks!

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