The Halfway Point

The Halfway Point

So far, my knitting project has had its ups and downs. I think that can be said with any new skill that a person is learning. I never expected this skill to be something that I learned how to do overnight. There has also been plenty of trial and error with the resources I have used so far in my learning journey.

This week I finished half of my dish cloth that I was making as a starter project. The hard part about knitting in general isn’t the knitting itself, as it is quite repetitive and once you have your basic knit stitch nailed down it’s fairly simple. What I have found is that my fingers and hands get incredibly sore if I try to knit for longer periods. This makes it difficult to stay on track with my project as there are only certain parts of my day that I can sit down, think, and knit. This often turns into my project being pushed aside and forgotten about.

The skill I learned this week was how to decrease my stitches, whether or not there is a specific term for this I haven’t been able to determine. Interestingly enough, when you increase by one stitch each time you are almost knitting on a diagonal, so when you get to your halfway point, you have to decrease your stitches. Whether other knitting projects have you knit on a diagonal I’m not really sure. Something to think about in the future. Decreasing stitches was a simple task. On each row, all you need to do is stick your needle through 2 loops instead of 1 each time. I believe you follow this pattern all the way down to the end. I’m looking forward to learning how to weave your extra string into your project later on down the road.

In terms of what online resources I used this week to learn and support what skills I was using was the same video I used right at the start of my journey. I wanted to make sure I was decreasing stitches correctly for this specific project so I went back and referenced the video again. Like I have likely mentioned before, this video is extremely helpful for those who are interested in learning how to knit, and want both a smaller and easier project to begin with. The instructions are clear, and the video is a great visual for those who learn better that way!

Overall, my learning journey is going quite well, and I’m excited to continue on and learn new skills.

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