Photo By Me
Some may argue that TikTok and yoga do not go together, however TikTok can be used to learn how to do yoga! Which is exactly what I did for this week. It took some searching to find a good TikTok video to use but I decided on this one by natalieb_yogi. I chose this particular video because it gave me the names of poses, showed me how to do the poses and well as a proximate length on how long to hold each pose. It was basically a very condensed version of a YouTube video.

Photo By Me
I have done the pose called “thread the needle” a couple times now and I really like it. I found it really helps to stretch out my back and shoulders, which get tight with me sitting at my desk all day doing homework. My other favourite pose from today was the “childs pose.” I started by doing the pose with my arms stretched out front of me, then moved them right and left to stretch out my sides

Photo By Me.
Learning from TikTok was okay, but I prefer longer videos. A few of the first videos I watched didn’t really give me much info on the pose, the creator just did the poses themselves. I know the point of TikTok is to watch and create short videos, but it doesn’t always make it the best learning platform.
Before this class, I had never used twitter. I knew what twitter was, and one of my best friends uses it, but I was a beginner at twitter. Now, however, I am slowly starting to figure it out. One of my biggest faults is I keep forgetting to use hashtags when I tweet posts! Not a big deal, I know but it would still be nice to remember. Before using twitter, I had no idea it could be used as an educational source. I just thought it was the place where rich politicians argued on the internet. But now I’m seeing how it can be used as a place to share educational resources as well as collect new ideas for the classroom.
I’ve pretty much followed any page that has “teacher” in the username and a few of the bigger pages have followed me back which is really exciting. While I use many online sources, such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and snapchat, I hardly ever post on my pages. It’s usually only a couple times a year if I do. So using twitter everyday has been a learning curve for me.
I think in the future I want to continue to use twitter, just not as much as I am now. I think I would use it to share activities that my school or classroom has done. I have seen many teachers using twitter as a place to share their Truth and Reconciliation journey. But like many online resources, twitter is only great if used correctly. I do see myself using twitter in the future for educational sources, but I won’t be tweeting at the same level I am right now.
Hi Meghan,
Thank you for sharing your experience with TikTok and yoga – I had never considered learning yoga from this source. Being that you prefer longer tutorials, do you think you would enjoy following along with a live yoga tutorial on TikTok or another platform?
In response to your Twitter use, I also agree that I could see myself using the platform to show class and school activities. I find these are the tweets that I am most interested in as they foster a positive feeling and make me excited to be in my own classroom.
Hey Kaelynn, I never actually thought about using live videos to lear yoga. It’s actually a great idea! I’ll have to find a live video and try it, thanks for the suggestion!
Hey Meghan! I am doing yoga for my learning project as well. I can agree with you that the child’s pose and “thread the needle” feel so good! They really help to stretch out the muscles. I think I will have to give TikTok a try as one of my resources. Thanks for the suggestion!
You’re welcome! I’m an avid TikTok user so it made the decision to use it easy for me. Hopefully you like it as well!
Social media nowadays is such a great way to learn and share learning! 99% of my tiktok likes are just recipes and I absolutely love making them and find new ones. I assume you can use it to learn mostly anything! This is fantastic!
I like a lot of TikTok recipes thinking I’ll make them and I never do lol. Maybe one day I actually will…