My First Youtube Video

Hey everyone! This week I decided to step out of my comfort zone and make a video for you all to see. I’m not feeling confident enough to do sort of a “live” video but instead I compiled my pictures into an imovie, then uploaded it onto youtube. Please be nice, it’s my first video!

To be perfectly honest I sort of cheated in the making of this video. I used the “magic movie” feature. This feature was super useful, I just selected the photos I wanted to include and imovie made the video for me! Granted I did take some photos out and added the description, but imovie did the music and transformations (if that’s the right word) between pictures. I would loved to make it longer and better but I just didn’t have the time this week! Maybe next week I can do a better one. However, I think this one turned out okay.

Uploading the video from my phone to my computer to youtube to my blog was surprisingly easy. I was expecting for it take take hours with me getting frustrated and eventually giving up. But the whole process only took minutes. I was able to airdrop the imovie from my phone to computer (thank goodness for apple products) and then just drag the file to youtube. I was surprised about how user friendly uploading videos onto youtube is. Just add your file, give it a name, hit “next” a few times and boom. I now have a youtube video. I made sure to have it under “unlisted” just because I don’t want random people being able to watch it.

I decided to make a video for you guys this week to one, step out of my comfort zone, but also because I am noticing yoga is something I want to do for me. When I’m doing it, I don’t want to be taking pictures – I just want to simply enjoy the moment. I think I am starting to enjoy yoga for what it is, a quiet moment in time where I can enjoy myself.

With yoga, I have also been journaling more. Between these two practices I am finding myself to be more at peace. On days where I’m really on edge or stressed about something, I’ll find a 20 minute youtube yoga video to calm myself and write my thoughts down at the end of the day. It’s amazing what taking a little time for yourself throughout the day can do for you.

Until next time fellow bloggers.

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