I Love Hashtags!

Before I took this class, twitter was the furthest thing from my mind. Some first thoughts that came to mind when I heard Twitter were politics and reading. As someone who only went on Instagram, I was expecting twitter to be so much reading. Suffice it to say, I was wrong. I have learned that unlike other social media platforms Twitter has a character limit. I have been enjoying posting on Twitter for the last month!

Twitter has been helpful in my classes thus far so I am confident that it will help me in my future classroom. One activity I saw on Twitter was about the game spoons. The article suggested that students can make fraction cards and find equivalent fractions regarding their cards. The students will pick up the cards and pass them on if the card doesn’t match what they are trying to collect. I was able to use this idea in my EMTH class. If you want to check out the Twitter post I’m speaking of it is linked here

So far, my favorite part of Twitter, aside from all the interesting articles I’m finding is the #hashtags. Every time I post get excited because I get to think of fun hashtags to use! My favorites thus far have been #takecareofyourself #learnthroughmistakes #practicemakesbetter. My friends even call me the hashtag queen because I have started to use hashtags in my daily life. When I am ready to get lunch I will text my friends #lunch or when I finish an assignment I’ve been working really hard on I will say #finallydone. I get a kick out of thinking about different hashtags to use!

My friends call me the #hashtagqueen because of all the hashtags I use!

Twitter will also be helpful to create relationships with other teachers and even reach out for advice from other teachers. I wouldn’t be posting on Twitter using the students’ names or posting about their home issues; however, I could post questions similar to “my class is learning fractions, any good ideas for lessons” this way the lessons and ideas can come from other experienced teachers.

2 thoughts on “I Love Hashtags!

  1. You have inspired me to start using hashtags more effectively on Twitter! I don’t use them often but I know they can be really useful especially when you are looking for something specific. Sounds like you are having lots of fun with this!

  2. Hi Meghan,

    This is a very informative post about the use of hashtags on Twitter. I am very happy to see how I will use it in my future classroom. From my few experience using Twitter since the beginning of this course, I realized that the use of hashtag helps you join conversations, connect with what’s happening, and become discoverable. Thanks for sharing your experience with your class.

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