Read My Blog. Read My Blog!

From punctuation to cyberbullying and MySpace to Instagram digital citizenship has been here from the beginning.  In school, there is much to remember when it comes to digital citizenship.

In a time when we use the internet for many different parts of the school, we need to be aware of our student’s digital access. When school was totally online many students needed to have school, computers brought to them because of their digital access. If this is not an option schools need to be aware of what needs to be available for students. Just because they have a computer doesn’t mean that they have wifi to use their computer.

Digital literacy is something that many students need to learn, and school can be a great place for them to begin their journey. When I was in school, I learned that lots of writing come with biases. If you were to get your information from a very conservative website, it will give a different view than a liberal website.

I had to learn digital communication in school along with many others. There are so many ways to miscommunicate in a text message. First off, a period will change the entire conversation.

If a conversation went

  • “Are you okay?”
  • “Yeah! I’m fine!”

Both people in the conversation seem very happy, however this conversation…

  • “Are you okay?”
  • “Yeah. I’m fine.”

The periods give the idea that the person answering the question is in fact not doing fine. There is so much that we need to learn when it comes to digital communication. I think that Jimmy Kimmel hits some key ideas in the video linked here. Texting requires lots of context as well as assumptions but the meaning behind the message can very easily be misconstrued.

Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Read My Blog. Read My Blog!

  1. Hey Meghan, I agree how you said that the internet can give you biased information. Anyone can find any type if information to fit their beliefs. I liked your point of how not everyone has access to technology or the internet all the time. It can be impossible for some students to do homework at home. Covid made everyone aware of that. And lastly, you are 100% right about the punctuation of a sentence. How we say stuff online matters too.

  2. Hi Meghan,

    I really appreciate that you included a conversation example to further your point about punctuation. It’s crazy to think how differently a message may be interpreted based on the punctuation used.

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