Category Archives: Learning project

Reflecting on my Learning Journey

We are now at the end of our learning project journey. As I reflect I realize the many changes I have made from the beginning and am proud of what I have accomplished. Below I have reflected on each week … Continue reading

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Deaf Culture

This week during my ASLConnect lessons I learnt how to introduce myself to someone in sign language (watch my video below): I am super happy I got to do this as it is very basic and is the first thing … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC300, Learning project | 2 Comments

New Addition to my Learning Resources

I watched Sign Language 101 Lesson 4 for my learning project this week. As discussed in my last learning project post I enjoy the videos, however, they give you a lot of content without any time to practice. So, I … Continue reading

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Counting and Fingerspelling

For my learning project this week I watched Sign Language 101 Lesson 3. This week we learnt some everyday signs and short phrases, as well as numbers 21-30. I do enjoy these videos; however, a lot of information is given … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC300, Learning project | 3 Comments

Screencastify and my ASL Journey

I decided to try out Screencastify this week. Screencastify allows you to record your screen. I found it very user friendly. If you follow the link that I put in “Screencastify” you will see that you must have chrome in … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC300, Learning project | 4 Comments

Things Don’t Always go as Planned…and that’s Ok!

In my second week of this learning project, I went through modules one and half of two on Lingvano. Something that I realized (and that I was not aware of earlier) was that you had to pay for a “premium … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC300, Learning project | 4 Comments

Beginning of my Learning ASL Journey

When I read about this learning project my mind went to baking, painting, or the keyboard. All things that I love to do and already have experience in but that I’m not an expert in. However, I wanted to challenge … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC300, Learning project | 5 Comments