September 15

During class, we broke up into small groups to discuss one of the readings. We talked about the possibilities and constraints of a classroom that adopted a more environmental learning mindset. we felt that the possibilities would outweigh the constraints if done correctly. I bring up a story on how in about grade 2 we did a simple assignment about the different types of clouds. we all went outside with blankets and watched the clouds as the teacher would explain the differences between Altocumulus, Cirrocumulus, Altostratus, etc. and this simple lesson was so impactful that about 20 years later I still remember it. I also believe if it was simply done in class with pictures I would have not retained that knowledge and would have forgotten completely about the assignment. it also made me have a better understanding on the natural cycle of water.; which further made me understand the idea of everything being connected together as we all live on the same planet, walk the same earth, drink the same water, etc One major constraint about environmental education that we felt is that if not done correctly it could be overwhelming if the student has many different ideas and concepts being thrown at them at once. And can also be a major distraction to some students who have trouble focusing when the environment changes for them.

I am also currently tracking the different types of food that I consume throughout a week and it definitely is not ideal. most of it is pre-packaged meals, fast-food, sweets, or simply missing meals. I feel like because of the way I eat it affects my energy level, my mood (which is usually pretty grumpy) and also my ability to keep my focus on one task.

I wasn’t able to watch the documentary but i tried to answer the questions the best I could

– What are the problems resulting from industrialized farming practices?
there are many problems with this, the biggest one, in my opinion, is the environmental effects, it can take so many nutrients out of the ground which often never gets returned, also the heavy use of pesticides and other chemicals can cause acidic rain and plays a major part in our carbon footprint.
        – What is regenerative agriculture?
I believe this is when farmers use more environmentally conscious decisions that help keep the soil alive and keep harmful pesticides out or to a minimum