ECS210 Blog Posts

  • Week 1- Jan 9, 2020
  • How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense?

“Commonsense limits what is considered to be consistent with the purpose of schooling. Alternative perspectives, including perspectives that challenge common sense, are already dismissed as irrelevant, inconsequential, or inappropriate. after all common sense does not tell us that this is what schools could be doing; it tells us that this and only this is what schools should be doing.”

It is important to know that what we (as a person/community) understand as common sense is subjective. everything that we know as commonsense was taught to us through repetition since birth as well as the knowledge that has been passed down through generations. So to apply this to the classroom, what some students know as common sense won’t be the same for others especially when it comes to the social rule of the school. as a teacher its important to understand this to help every student succeed.