Hello Everyone. My name is Humaira Tasnuva. I am an international student, currently doing my Master’s in Human Resource Development at UoR and working as a retail Manager at Sobeys. I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I always dreamt of being a higher HR professional in the corporate sector. I have worked in Cocacola and Arla as an HR trainer. I came to Canada to pursue my master’s in order to achieve my desired position in Bangladesh and provide the best HR training and other facilities based on my code of ethics.
Though I don’t have any experience as a teacher in schools or colleges, as a trainer, I have some experience in educating employees. I was one of the online MS- Excel trainers of Arla. Usually, during the training period, I used to take a week of Intermediate and advanced-level classes. I also worked with “amar instructor” as a trainer which is an online platform for ms-excel seekers. Here is the link to that website. https://amarinstructor.com/course/microsoft-excel-beginners-intermediate-advanced-level-2/
Concerning the online blended/online classes, I have mixed feelings so far based on my experience. When I used to be a trainer in amar instructor- I found that students are very flexible with every teaching module. They were attentive in classes and they had the capability to catch every online- tech whereas during the pandemic when we tried to train the employees of Cocacola to get them to know about all the functions of the “Home office”, they faced hardship to learn those. We had to train them for 2 months.

From my experience, apart from expertise in online blended classes, one has to be more patient in handling and maintaining the students. The lessons must need to be clear, easy to catch, elaborate, and well-described so that learners from every level can easily understand everything and the trainer can also co-operate with every problem.
This is how we can build an easy online blended class.