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Month: December 2023

Contributing to the Learning of Others

Contributing to the Learning of Others

This semester I have had the pleasure to learn not only with but also from my fellow classmates. The layout of this class made it very easy to be inspired and engaged by what everyone else in class was doing. There are three main ways in which I feel like I contributed to the learning of others in this class: Through my own blog posts Through commenting on their blogs Through communicating my thoughts in breakout rooms on Zoom. In…

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Learning Project Wrapped.. For Real This Time

Learning Project Wrapped.. For Real This Time

Over the past few months, I have been working on learning French. I am excited to say that I have successfully completed 3 units on Duolingo and I am now in the Emerald League. There are competitions among all Duolingo users and there are 10 different leagues you can compete in based on how well you are doing (measured by how many XP you have). I currently have 152 XP for the week and am in 1st place of the…

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Spotify Wrapped WHOOOO

Spotify Wrapped WHOOOO

First of all, I hope you get my title but if you don’t, let me explain. Duolingo’s icon is an owl and owls say whooooo. Duolingo created their own version to show your year in review much like Spotify does with it’s infamous “Spotify Wrapped”. Ok now that you’re all done laughing at my hilarious title, please enjoy the screenshots below of my “Duolingo Year In Review”. So here I am telling the world how much I learned this year…

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Summary of Personal Learning

Summary of Personal Learning

Hi y’all!! Here is my Summary of Personal Learning. I am very happy to say that I used Canva’s “present and record” feature for the first time during this and I found it very easy to use. One downside to it is that if you mess up, you have to start recording all over again so I ended up doing it about 5 times before I got it right. I also noticed there was a spelling error in one of…

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