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Category: Learning Project

Learning Project Wrapped.. For Real This Time

Learning Project Wrapped.. For Real This Time

Over the past few months, I have been working on learning French. I am excited to say that I have successfully completed 3 units on Duolingo and I am now in the Emerald League. There are competitions among all Duolingo users and there are 10 different leagues you can compete in based on how well you are doing (measured by how many XP you have). I currently have 152 XP for the week and am in 1st place of the…

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Spotify Wrapped WHOOOO

Spotify Wrapped WHOOOO

First of all, I hope you get my title but if you don’t, let me explain. Duolingo’s icon is an owl and owls say whooooo. Duolingo created their own version to show your year in review much like Spotify does with it’s infamous “Spotify Wrapped”. Ok now that you’re all done laughing at my hilarious title, please enjoy the screenshots below of my “Duolingo Year In Review”. So here I am telling the world how much I learned this year…

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If It Wasn’t for Duo…

If It Wasn’t for Duo…

To be honest, I haven’t really been keeping up with my learning project this week. The only thing that has been keeping me going this week has been Duolingo. Not wanting to lose my streak has been what has kept me motivated to keep learning each day. Most days, I have been so busy during the day that I only remember to do it right before bed so I don’t spend much time on it. For a couple days over…

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Do You Know the Lingo?

Do You Know the Lingo?

I am happy to announce that I finally on Section 1, Unit 3 of Duolingo and I feel like I have made some good progress. I can read full sentences and know what they mean! I feel very motivated to keep expanding on my knowledge of the language and I am excited about my progress. Recently I have noticed that despite feeling like I am surrounded by the English language, there is in fact French all around us too! I…

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Expanding my Horizons

Expanding my Horizons

This week I continued on my Duolingo journey, while also watching some YouTube videos as well. I am now on day 21 of my Duolingo streak and I am still on section 1, Unit 2. I am feeling like I am very behind but I do know that I have learned a lot already and I am proud of myself. It isn’t easy to learn a new language and I think I expected to pick it up a lot quicker…

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Duolingoing Slow and Steady

Duolingoing Slow and Steady

Hi y’all, It’s been a while since I have shared my progress on my learning project. I currently have a 16 day streak on Duolingo which means I have practiced my French on the app 16 days in a row. Some days I practice for 5 minutes and others I practice for a bit longer. I haven’t yet explored any other way to learn French but I am hoping to listen to some podcasts and try watching some YouTube videos…

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Skitch…Sketch or Fetch??

Skitch…Sketch or Fetch??

The tool I tested out this week was called Skitch. The application looks like this: This tool is extremely useful for taking a screenshot of things on your MacBook. I particularly liked that you could draw on the captured photo with a pen tool, you could put “X”or arrow stickers on it, you can type written messages and you can even put shapes on it. Here is an example of a screenshot I took on my MacBook and the things…

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Take me to Paris: An Intro to my Learning Project

Take me to Paris: An Intro to my Learning Project

I have recently been very interested in learning to speak a second language. This interest sparked when a couple of my friends started speaking to each other in French when they wanted to share a secret or a message that they didn’t want everyone to hear. I was amazed at how fluently they spoke the language without much practice. I also find it very fascinating when people tell me they can speak multiple languages and I always think about how…

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