Learning Project Proposal


In my Education Technology class one of the assignments allows us to pick a skill to learn about and improve on throughout the next 11 weeks. I had a bunch of idea that flashed through my mind such as some of the things suggested things such as Yoga, Knitting, Strength Training and Drawing. The biggest thing for me was picking something that would be useful in my career and something that I am not very good at. For my learning project I am planning on working towards becoming better at drawing. I believe that as an Early Years Elementary teacher it would be beneficial because a lot of activities include the Arts Ed. strand.

Taken from <a href="http://<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/57224752@N08/50288702323/">sylvain.cnudde</a> Flickr via <a href="http://compfight.com">Compfight</a> <a href="https://www.flickr.com/help/general/#147">cc</a>" data-type="URL" data-id="<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/57224752@N08/50288702323/">sylvain.cnudde</a> Flickr via <a href="http://compfight.com">Compfight</a> <a href="https://www.flickr.com/help/general/#147">ccCompfight

I’m not sure what my final product will look like. Some of the things that I am thinking about include a drawing of a car, a self – portrait or Basketball player hitting a shot. I will be using YouTube videos on drawing techniques and directed drawings to work on my basic skills. I am excited about my learning goal and also about how I will use technology to get better at something that I do not have a lot of skill at.

Links to get started:

Easy Guide to the 5 Basic Skills of Drawing

Basic practice to improve your drawing skill

Directed Drawing – Draw a Dragon

Materials Needed:

Taken from <a href="http://href="https://www.flickr.com/help/general/#147">cc</a>" data-type="URL" data-id="href="https://www.flickr.com/help/general/#147">ccCompfight

– Paper – Pencil

– Pen – Crayons

– Pencil Crayons – Computer

Please feel free to follow my experiences on here and on Twitter @MrCodyPolupski.


2 Replies to “Learning Project Proposal”

  1. Hello Cody!

    I look forward to seeing your progress and inspirations during your journey over the next nine weeks. I myself am not gifted when it comes to drawing, however, I find myself crafty in other ways. I hope to see you reach out of your comfort zone and possibly move towards drawing something that would not be expected from you, such as a cup of coffee sitting on a wooden table with a book sitting beside it! I find it intriguing that you chose drawing as I find the idea out of the box and for someone like myself, daring and difficult at times! I wish you luck and am excited to follow along on your weekly project.

    Will you be adding color to all of your creations? Do you like to focus on one object or multiple like a landscape?

    Best of luck this week!

  2. Hey Cody,
    Learning how to draw gives a person so many ways to express their creativity. I can’t wait to see your progress and compare your drawings from the start of this class to the end and see your growth.

    Since you aim to teach Arts Ed. I think you can use this blog as an example to your future students. I know there are a lot of students who don’t want to learn drawing because they don’t feel like they can draw. I think that you can use this learning project to show your future students; that at first their first attempts at drawing might not look good, but if they keep practicing they will improve.

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