Author Archives: crs864

An Audio Progress Report(For Posterity)

Hi everyone, Cody here. For this week’s post, I decided to try a recording app designed for musicians. The app is free and is called Moises. There is of course a paywall to premium options such as auto-tuning the recording … Continue reading

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The Internet can be Great

When I was in school and computers were introduced, the rule of thumb was to fear everything on the internet. There are predators everywhere trying to lure you somewhere (this location was never disclosed). This was problematic for me because … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300 | 3 Comments

This Week I got Zucced

No, I didn’t get Zucced, however I let him into my guitar journey.  So this week I reached out to my Facebook community and asked them what Youtubers they liked when they were first learning. Then I followed the suggestion … Continue reading

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Canadian Idol, Cody Edition

Hello all, so for my blog this week I am going to share screenshots of the videos I watched (100 times) to learn All Apologies by Nirvana. For the record, my fave version is the MTV Unplugged (back when MTV … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 1 Comment

Come Do a Flip With Me

This week I tried The Flip app formerly known as Flip Grid. It is a video recording, editing, and posting software. I probably did not use it to its full potential. I was trying to do that with my first … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 1 Comment

I’m Cool With Technology

“Shared difficulty creates tremendous community” is probably my favorite quote from Wesch. It was in a podcast that I had listened to years ago. What this says to me, is that through connection and interconnection, we can take even the … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300 | 2 Comments

Yousician More Like (Lose)ician

Hey, it is Cody here again for my weekly installment of me learning how to play guitar. This week I tried the app Yousician.  Besides being difficult to spell, I was not a huge fan for a couple of reasons … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 3 Comments

Guitar hero(in training)

Hello, Cody here, learning how to play guitar has been on my bucket list forever. It’s weird because typically I dive head-first into learning new skills. Anyway, this is not supposed to be about that, this is about the first … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 4 Comments

Instant Gratification-Deprecation

Instant Gratification-Deprecation I would say that this term sum up my interaction with social media and my phone to some extent. Instant gratification comes in the way of likes or positive comments on my Facebook feed. Or perhaps when I … Continue reading

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Bassline Blog Post

If you don’t like puns, you have come to the wrong blog. My baseline for learning how to play guitar is basically zero. I can hold a very simple beat on a 5 piece drum kit and have arranged samples … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 1 Comment