After a few days of learning through staff meetings on Monday, PD day through Chinook School division on Tuesday (learning about sound boards and guided math) and prep day (setting up classroom) on Thursday, I was feeling very excited to kick off the school year! My Coop teacher and I sat down and created a day plan. Together she and I worked with students forming relationships through meaningful greetings and getting to know you activities. We had a school assembly in the morning, and unpacked school supplies throughout the day. As an activity we traced our hands, coloured and placed them together to represent belonging and a sense of community within the classroom. The day went by very fast! Tomorrow we will be going over school rules and continuing with “get to know you” activities. My responsibility is to come up with a way for students to display their ideas for responsibilities in a unique way, and to create activities that can be done using water for outside Phys Ed. For the first 5 days of classes I will observe, after that I will begin teaching a grade 4 science unit on rocks and minerals.
Take care,