Today I took the class outdoors to create their very own rock collections to be studied within the future of our unit! Students were very excited, and examined many rocks closely, trying to find the perfect ones. I limited students to only choosing 5-7 rocks each, which I think was a good idea because it aloud students to look closely at their rocks and pick only the ones that seemed most interesting to them.
Before going outside, we discussed outside procedures as well as behaviour expectations. Students were then provided a cup t place their collections in and we headed outside!
Overall this was a very fun lesson to teach. My goal today was “Awareness & Responsiveness”. I asked my coop teacher to make note of the time, student name, and student action that was not meeting class expectations as well as the time it took me to respond to the student. This was an excellent goal as I had many parts to the lesson (inside, transitioning to outside, outside, transitioning inside and finally back inside). During post conference, my coop teacher and I discussed all of the different behaviours during the lesson, and how difficult it is for the teacher to respond to all students and see everything that is happening. My coop teacher was happy with the execution of my lesson, however, I would like to continue this goal into my future classes and become even more aware of students actions throughout my lessons being taught.