Just dipping my toes in first… iMovie. A soft start as I deal with breathing issues from work on my Yoga Wall.


-Checked to see if I have iMovie on my Mac. For some reason, I do not, so I downloaded it!

-I went into the program, and played around on my own for a bit to try to get a feel for the program.

-I got stuck and realized I need some support – so I went to YouTube and searched for Tutorial Videos. Here are a few that I found helpful:

Watching tutorials, I realized how important it is to make sure you have good, clear content to work with. This could include videos, photos, and audio/music.

So far, I have not been able to generate that much content. With my busy work and school schedule, it has been challenging for me to create the space and time with my kids to practice yoga together. An additional challenge for me, is with the basement yoga studio construction project in my house, the sanding dust triggered a huge asthma/allergy response in me.

It has affected my ability to talk, sing and laugh!

Here is a photo of my basement yoga space.

The wood wall in the back was coated in a varathane finish. It needed to be sanded to get the look I want to achieve. But I had no idea what type of reaction it would trigger in me! After many attempts to clean the dust, including days and nights of a cold Yukon breeze blowing through open windows, multiple air purifiers, paying a professional to clean, and trying different asthma and allergy medications to help me feel better – nothing was working.

Earlier this weekend, I ended up at the hospital – requesting more extensive treatment. A few days of steroid medication later, and I am hoping to be back on the mend soon – to have my yoga, meditation and singing voice ready to use in my classes again, and to be able to laugh, talk and connect with the people I love without having to gasp for air.

One thought on “Just dipping my toes in first… iMovie. A soft start as I deal with breathing issues from work on my Yoga Wall.”

  1. First of all, I hope you are doing okay. I hope you feel better since you already seem prepared to crush this project. The place does seem really nice and roomy. I’m looking forward to your next post and ready for you to crush this project. Feel better and good luck!

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