I Made Friends Online!-Contribution to the Learning of Others

June 18, 2021 1 By Gledi Toci

When this class started I was nervous, I thought I would forget to interact and be active on social media. I quickly learned that it was enjoyable and forgot it was part of a major assignment. I am a very socially extroverted person, and I later realized this was perfect for me. I learned a lot from class content and others through blogs, tweets, and discord. I even was able to answer questions and interact and make new friends, such as my summarizing of learning partner Mingyeong. I also discovered a new app VivaVideo which I was able to share with my peers through my blog, which I used to make a slideshow showcasing my contribution. First though, I will have a brief overview of my contribution, with the slideshow at the end.



Through this semester I managed to fall in love with Twitter. I realized how easy it is made to socialize and learn using Twitter. Many classmates followed me, along with other people in the same circle. I was tweeting, replying, and retweeting at least two times a day all semester, with over 140 tweets through such a short period.

Tweeting Informative Information
Replying to Comments

Throughout the semester, I shared a minimum of one informative article for my followers and classmates. Many received great replies which I was able to respond to and socialize. I was consistent all semester doing this, more shown in the slideshow.

Replying to Tweets

Every day I replied to a minimum of one tweet shared by a classmate, which allowed me to socialize and learn. I was able to show appreciation to my classmates for their informative tweets and learned a lot from each tweet I came across.

Retweeting Many Classmates Tweets
Retweeting Others Informative Tweets

I often came across many informative articles shared by my classmates and others, which I frequently retweeted. This was an efficient way to spread such a great article provided by a classmate, and give it the attention it deserves. I will demonstrate more examples in my slideshow.

Retweeting Important Social Information

Twitter made it extremely easy to stay educated on social issues and current news. When the 215 Indigenous children situation occurred, it was an extremely sensitive topic. I was able to get educated on the situation and retweeted in regards to the situation, spreading awareness to my following and others. I also decided to participate in another great SaskEd chat because of how well the last one went.


I had always loved Discord and was extremely excited we were using it in this class. I have used Discord in previous classes and for gaming throughout this last year, and have found it extremely effective. During our course I tried to answer as many questions as possible and give feedback on shared resources. Sometimes questions were answered before I could get to them because our classmates were so awesome, but I did answer some.

Helping Out!

Commenting on Blogs

At first, I was worried about commenting on blogs being very exhausting and boring due to past experiences. I quickly fell in love with blogging and commenting on another classmate’s blogs. I was able to learn with them through their learning projects and viewpoints on topics. I commented a minimum of 5 times a week, and sometimes I even lost track. Here are some comments along with many more on my slideshow.

A big thank you to all my classmates and Katia for making this class extremely fun and engaging. I learned a lot from everyone and I hope you guys learned a lot from me. Enjoy the slideshow!