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Author: Lauren Buist

Oops, I Knit it Again…

Oops, I Knit it Again…

This week I finally got back to my knitting adventures. I’m still continuing on with my dishcloth. My current motto is that “slow and steady wins the race”. Though this small dishcloth is taking me forever and a day to complete, I am focusing more on the process of learning the skill itself, discovering new resources, and just trying to enjoy myself rather than focusing on the end project. I ran into another problem with my knitting project that I…

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Stepping Lightly

Stepping Lightly

Cyber safety was a topic that really was not discussed or talked about at home or at school. From a young age, I remember having a computer in our home. This was an old computer with dial-up – something most young people know nothing about in today’s age. This eventually evolved into my brother and I receiving a small laptop for Christmas and eventually a our own tablet devices. I would say that I grew up in an era where…

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Digital Knitware

Digital Knitware

This week my knitting project came to a standstill as I just didn’t have the energy or the drive to work on my project. I’m finding it difficult to come home from a long day at work and want to knit. I can see this going over differently once I get better and don’t have to think so hard about every small move that I make. Instead of knitting this week, I took to the internet in search of a…

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The Halfway Point

The Halfway Point

So far, my knitting project has had its ups and downs. I think that can be said with any new skill that a person is learning. I never expected this skill to be something that I learned how to do overnight. There has also been plenty of trial and error with the resources I have used so far in my learning journey. This week I finished half of my dish cloth that I was making as a starter project. The…

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The task for this week was to get over the metaphorical hill of the absolute struggle that was last week. My knitting project this week did see some successes, however, looking at it currently, I would describe it as being mangled a bit by a raccoon. During the first week of my journey, I did state that I understood that 1. this was going to take time to master, 2. my knitting was not going to look pretty and perfect…

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Participation and the New Age of Technology

Participation and the New Age of Technology

On the rise is a new age of technology which is rethinking and reimagining how we participate with and utilize technology as a whole. Today, we are seeing this integrate itself into our classrooms as well as education in general. In relation to Michael Wesch’s An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube and future classrooms, I can see this new age of technology having a significant impact on access to information, collaborative learning with others, and interactive learning opportunities. As our society…

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“Knot” So Easy

“Knot” So Easy

Knitting this past week has turned into a true test of my patience. When I first picked up the needles and yarn from the store, I sat on the couch, extremely eager to get knitting away. I had little to no problems regarding the skills I was attempting to learn: the slip knot, casting on, and the knit stitch. Within a day of learning, I had a small patch that I had knitted just as practice. I set the knitting…

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Drowning in Digital Dimensions

Drowning in Digital Dimensions

The digital and technological aspect of our lives has us in a tightly wound grip. Just about every individual I know is glued to a screen or let’s face it, relies on a screen throughout most of their day. To be honest, I’m also that person. In my personal life, I have my iPhone, Apple Watch, and Air Pods no more than 5 feet away at all times. It’s interesting to me when I get perspective and think about my…

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Back to the Basics

Back to the Basics

The plan throughout last week was to learn how to “cast on” and learn the basic knit stitch to develop my knitting skills further. This called for a trip to the store to gather all of the supplies I would need. As I am just starting, I kept the shopping to a minimum as I only needed to figure out how to get the yarn on my knitting needles and learn a basic stitch this week. My purchases included a…

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“Knitting” the Ground Running

“Knitting” the Ground Running

Knitting is a skill that I have always wanted to learn. I’ve just never had the drive, confidence or frankly the time to begin. However, I figured this would be as good of a time as any to start. I grew up watching my grandmother knit, and now that she has passed our family cherishes the intricately handwoven blankets that she created for us all. To be completely honest, I had no idea where I was going to start so…

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