I have done a few different volunteering services here in Regina. The one place I volunteered at was William Booth Special Care Home. I did this back in grade 10 and had such a fun time. I learned a lot and got to meet so many great people. Being able to give a helping hand with the elderly was eye opening as it was something I never did before. Knowing how to talk to them and treat them how they want to be treated and help them around was something I had to learn to do. Having conversations with them each week was very enjoyable. All the stories they had to tell were amazing and so interesting. Asking them questions about who they are and them asking me questions made me feel welcomed into their homes and life. I really enjoyed this experience and had a great time doing it!

Another place I volunteered at was the Regina Public Library. Here, I participated in a reading buddy organization where I was paired up with a child and we read. For my experience, I was paired with a little girl and we met every Saturday morning for a few months and I helped her with her reading abilities. I loved going to the library and helping her. This made me feel proud and happy that I was having an impact on someone’s life.