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Are we safe on the Internet?

What I recall of cyber safety was maybe all the grades before high school. I remember when I was little, working in the computer lab and with my friends trying to log into online games or Facebook but they were blocked. After that, I remember having small talks about how people can create fake accounts on Facebook to get your information, and you were supposed to avoid publishing your location, the school you attended, and so on.
Then in high school and University in Mexico, you are supposed to bring your own devices so there were no blocks on mine. But we had the common sense of not posting anything sensible or going into really sus websites to avoid malware and because in México kidnaps were something serious at that moment with all the digital era and social networks there was a lot of news going around on how to be careful. It’s sad but you learn how to be more careful with everything you post.
The small talks certainly helped, you could also hear on the news about tactics to avoid kidnappings or scams so it was a great strategy so we can all have that information, and now it’s sort of common sense to follow those tactics.

One Comment

  • Alyssa Hildebrandt

    Hi Maria,

    It is so sad that so many kidnappings are happening in Mexico due to online posting. It is scary that this was the reality and tactic to ensure cyber safety for students. I’m sorry you had to go through that, but I think in some way you can bring this to your classroom to help with students learning about cyber safety.

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