• EDTC300,  Learning Project


    My learning experience has been as I would like to describe a rollercoaster. Some weeks I felt great about my achievement and some weeks I struggled to learn or perfect a song. I think I’m pushing it too much and I started to be frustrated that this is a difficult skill to master, but it’s not impossible. I think it made me realize how practice makes perfect and if I want to be a good player this learning project can’t stop now. Now it’s time for me to also return to Mexico so this is also a goodbye letter. I promise I will keep on learning, in fact, I already…

  • EDTC300,  EDTC300 posts

    Let’s talk about Grammarly

    I’ve tried the AI app Grammarly and I think it could be used in the classroom by the teacher or students by working as a writing assistant, but I wouldn’t use it from the first stage of the writing. I would let the students work on their own and paste it on Grammarly so they can reflect on their grammar, spelling, and writing styles. It can help teachers time to revise the grammar and focus more on the writing goals, such as the message of the writing. It can help students engage because they would have immediate feedback so they can move on to other goals. It can help different…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    More classic

    I got inspired on TikTok by watching many clips of people playing classics on the piano. The tricky part is that most classic songs are super hard and composed for advanced levels. I saw a video on TikTok and it seemed to be an easy song so I had to give it a go! This piece is Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. I searched for the tutorial so I could have the music sheet for free or at least the free part of the song. This piece was a tricky one. I have practiced my left hand so much, and this piece required me to do almost the same pattern with the…

  • EDTC300,  EDTC300 posts

    Digital literacy

    Increasing our collective digital literacy to combat fake news and dangers and to teach them in my field which is English for teenagers would be difficult for me because back in México we don’t see that as teachers. Now that I see this information in this course I had to re-evaluate and it’s something I found interesting and it’s important to improve our capacity to locate and analyze the digital sources we use as teachers. I think we already try to do that in our daily lives because now technology is an aspect that has monopolized many aspects of our lives and fake news in México is something really common…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    Almost there

    This week I finally continued a song, the Spirited Away theme. I found it difficult to learn both hands for the second part of the song so I opted for a new strategy. I learned the first part of the song with both hands and for the sound part, I focused only on the right hand. I feel like I need to practice more but because of school, I haven’t had a lot of time. I don´t want to be left behind so I’m planning on adding more study hours to my piano project. I found that this ability needs a lot of practice and maybe it’s a bit late…

  • EDTC300,  EDTC300 posts


    This week I tried coding for the first time, I used Scratch because a friend told me it was easier. To be honest I was super confused, I have never coded anything and I didn’t really know the theory behind it. Luckily the platform had video tutorials I followed and I think I could make something good out of it. I think it’s a great beginner-friendly platform because everything seems simple, you don’t have a lot of things that can make the process overwhelming so I liked that because I truly didn’t know anything about coding. Even if it seems like it has simple blocks, it still has options such…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    Piano pedal and the Studio Ghibli

    This week I had a moment of epiphany. I was listening to this playlist on Spotify because, honestly I wasn’t feeling motivated to look for a song to play on the piano. I was feeling frustrated because there are a lot of songs I would like to play but they are too difficult. While I was listening to the songs a new one started and since the first note was played I knew right away which song it was. It is called One Summer Day and it is from the soundtrack of the movie Spirited Away. This is one of my favorite movies so I knew I had to at…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    Are we into Pop now?

    For this week I was thinking about which song should go next. With the previous ones I get somewhere good and then I move into the next song but this time I tried to pick one that wasn’t so easy. I love Olivia Rodrigo’s songs, I love to sing, I’m terrible at it but I love to do it. Olivia is one of my favorite female singers and she’s so talented on the piano too. Her new song, Vampire, is a masterpiece. I always sing it like I’m heartbroken even if I’m not, is such a great song, and recently I watched on Tiktok this guy dressed as Michael Myers…