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Larae Pierson

Larae Pierson is a coach that focuses on teamwork, communication and leadership. Together as educators, our purpose is to be driven leaders that strive off teamwork and communication. Larae lead a workshop helping educators learn there WHY .. while teaching how to apply the WHY with love and articulate in our future classroom.

Purpose, Passion, Play 

How to stay connected with Larae Pierson? 

When you teach/lead with purpose, you .. 

  • Create a legacy .. This is how you are remembered long after you are gone from that position 
  • People want to work WITH you, and for you because they like to get involved in something BIGGER
  • You get out of bed in the morning with a fire burning in you because you were put here on purpose, for a PURPOSE 

What are your values as a teacher? 

  • Do you have the ability to talk and listen ? 
  • Positive teacher influence is often purpose driven .. Larae is talking through process thanks to a positive relationship with a teacher who inspired her 

Beef vs. Rose

  • What is your Beef vs. Rose? 
  • Example .. Busy vs. Accomplished

What is my legacy? & What words remind you of legacy? 

  • What mark do you want to make on your students and the world?

✔️ ? ❌ ? 

  • How do I want to be remembered as a teacher? 
  • Legacy words ; Inclusivity, Determination, Hard work, Inspiration, Equality, Passion, Diverse, Leadership, Motivation, Empowerment 

“You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.” Abraham Lincoln … BeDoHave , Anything you want with PURPOSE 

Thoughts are Things / Actions 

  • These lead to the feelings & impressions left on those we meet

Difference between purpose driven vs. ‘other’ driven ?

  • Purpose is both a NOUN (plan, point, target, dream, end goal) and a VERB in action (look, intention, mediate) 
  • Purpose fuelled by passion, where “other” may be fuelled by external factors 
  • What is YOUR PURPOSE
  1. Guides YOU
  2. Is your WHY
  3. Makes you get out of bed 
  4. Ignites a FIRE
  5. Taps the emotion – *Goosebump* moments 

Reflecting Questions; 

  1. Recent Positive experience you loved being part of? 
  2. Person who greatly influenced the person you are today. What did they do? Be specific | Explain the impact they had on you 
  3. Share a specific, Happy childhood memory 
  4. What is a story you felt you made an IMPACT and a difference? 

What are the themes of these questions and answers? 

  • Example – Facts ; Taught a new skill, Helped someone
  • Example – Feelings ; Loved the recognition, Fulfillment, Significance
  • Example – Contribution ; Superpowers, Strengths, Action/Verb 
  • Example – Impact ; Something they HOPE to create (not an action), What they want all people to feel/experience 

Purpose Statement; To (contribution) so that (impact)

  • To connect with others so that they live more empowered
  • To love people where they’re at so that they thrive beyond potential 
  • To teach others so that they can grow 
  • To empower others so that they can succeed, no matter what
  • To challenge so that you can feel successful 
  • To contribute so that you can see growth and resilience 
  • To teach so that you can leave an impact 
  • To be a safe place so that others can grow 
  • To be support others so that they have something to look forward to 
  • To teach so that you can open your eyes to the things you can actually do 
  • To love and support others so that they can grow into the best version of themselves 
  • To motivate so that we can grow a passion/purpose 
  • To eliminate negativity so that we can love each other and ourselves 
  • To inspire so that we live in a kind world helping others meet goals
  • To be a constant so that they can be empowered
  • To be that person for others so that they can grow and know their purpose 
  • To shine a light so that we can become a light 

The Golden Circle – How Great Leaders Inspire Action (Simon Sinek) 

Workshop Takeaways; 

  • Be – Do – Have … Anything you want with PURPOSE 
  • Reflect Present and Past things that have influenced us 
  • Learning our building blocks, learning why we are the way we are and who has inspired us 
  • What are your core values? 
  • Always remember our PURPOSE, To help us grow ! 
  • Thoughts = Things 
  • Purpose, Shines through actions 
  • Love people where they’re at 
  • What does it mean to be ‘that’ person? 

– Are we proud of it? Have we influenced others? Would we change anything about it? 

– What is YOUR purpose statement as an individual and as an educator? 

“To (contribution) so that (impact) 

– Do not measure by number, measure by impact 

Teaching Personality Colors – Interacting with People 

  • Larae teaches this in the Classroom and would LOVE if you mentioned her name in the future !! 
  • She works with students on communication and better understanding people