Where you are today matters for who you'll be tomorrow

Final EDTC300 Post: Contributions to the Learning of Others

This blog post is dedicated to sharing a bit about the different ways that I contributed to my own EDTC300 learning, as well as to my classmates’ learning.

I just want to say that each of these platforms allowed me to be able expand upon my own understanding of education and educational technology as well as make more connections with other educators, organizations, and educational professionals. They have been useful in creating spaces for me to contain a variety and multitude of resources, as well as build connections with my classmates who I hope to keep learning from, especially as we all begin to take our own place as educators.

Now back to this blog post. I will be sharing four different ways that I contributed to our EDTC300 class: commenting on my classmates’ blogs, my own blog contribution, Discord contributions, and Twitter contributions.

Commenting on Classmates’ Blogs

I will be honest in saying that these last few weeks have been a bit of a blur both inside and outside of the classroom. I did my best to comment on a minimum of at least three of my peers’ posts each week. Most of my comments were filled with encouragement and support for the progress my classmates’ were making in their learning projects. I also occasionally asked questions about different parts of their progress.

My Personal Blog Posts

We had the opportunity this semester to start our own personal blog. I already had my own website due to prior classes that required it, but I was able to expand upon it this semester through adding personal blog posts about my learning project, as well as on topics related to educational technology and digital literacy. The video below shows my blog contributions.

My Personal EDTC300 Blog Posts


Prior to this class, I had my own Discord account that I occasionally used when gaming with some of my friends. It felt different to use Discord for the purpose of providing support to peers for educational purposes, but I could see the ease of use and accessibility that it provided. I didn’t use it very much, but I did provide assistance once regarding an assignment due date.

Discord Contribution


Before this class, I had a Twitter account for another class that had an assignment similar to this one where you had to post constantly about different topics. It was nice to be able to set up a new Twitter account that I could have which focused primarily on #education and #educationaltechnology. I consistently shared weekly with providing my own technological resources that I found, commenting/liking my classmates’ Tweets, and retweeting posts. This video shows what my Twitter currently looks like.

My Personal Twitter
#SaskEdChat contribution
Tagging outside educators

Including links to my blog
Providing a variety of Tweets
Retweeting education accounts
Responded to classmates’ Tweets
Response from outside Twitter accounts on my Tweet

1 Comment

  1. Avery McMartin

    You have put in a lot of work this semester and this really shows it! Thank you for contributing and adding to all of our learning experience!

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