Why do you want to become a teacher?
One of the main goals I’ve always had in my life is to help people. There are of course a lot of different things that I could do that would fulfill the same purpose, but when it comes to teaching, I see such a value in investing into young people. These students are the next generation and are going to be an influence on society. A teacher has a big role in whether that influence is good or not. By being a teacher, it allows you to connect with kids in a more personal way than other jobs do. You not only get to be someone that they learn from, but also someone that they can trust and talk to. Teaching to me isn’t just sharing a lesson with students, it is being a role model and a safe and constant person in their life.
What is the work of a teachers?
My first answer pretty much summarizes what I think the work of a teacher is but to add on, I would include that alongside being knowledgeable of what you are teaching, it is important to create a healthy and fun environment that is going to help stimulate growth. I often found that the more I found my teacher liked what they were teaching, and created a fun environment, the better my grades were and the more I got out of the class. Any teacher can teach, but the best teachers are the ones that can make a creative and fun space to learn both physically, and mentally, that kids want to be involved in.
Am I a teacher 24 hours a day?
It’s hard for me to fully agree with the idea that I am a teacher 24 hours a day. I largely agree, but I do think that everyone has multiple hats that they wear. I currently work at a daycare, co-lead a youth group, and I just recently ended my time working as a Client Advisor at RBC. I wouldn’t say that I am a daycare worker 24 hours a day, or (before I stopped working) a Client Advisor all the time. However, when it comes to leading a youth group, I can understand the idea that I could be considered a leader 24 hours a day. I would say that is due to the idea that as a youth leader, I need to be a role model and be responsible because my actions are going to be watched. It is often that the best leaders are the ones that lead by action, not just by words. Basically, I think being considered a teacher 24 hours a day isn’t so much about the actual title of “teacher” and the aspect of teaching lessons 24 hours a day, but it more so comes down to how you live and the way you present yourself to others. As a teacher, you have students that are watching your life both inside and outside the classroom, and even though you might technically be done “work” for the day, your students are still going to view you as an adult in their life that they will look to as a model and example.