Week 4

  • What does it mean to be a good student according to ” the common sense?”

When I think of what a “good” classroom looks like, images of children in their desks, in order with hands being raised to ask questions. I feel like this is how the vast majority of people will think about a classroom. students should be well behaved, polite, raise hands when asking a question, and even more importantly does not cause “waves”

By waves, I mean anything that would disrupt the river of knowledge and information that the teacher is giving to the students. These kinds of waves can be simple like being noisy during class, distracting other students, or not doing assignments. but the major kind of “wave” would be questioning the curriculum, asking “why is this important” or even questioning outdated subjects.

This is how common sense has shaped how we think a classroom should look. however every classroom will look different, every student will have their own needs and every teacher will teach differently than each other.

Week 3 assignment 1 Idea

I decided on doing the hidden curriculum I found it very interesting when we talked about it in the lecture and wanted to explore more about it. I’m going to explore some of the different ways it can occur. the pros and cons of having a hidden curriculum and I will explore what we should do if we find a hidden curriculum and what should an educator do when they find it. There are lots of articles talking about hidden curriculum but they seem to be about the medical field. this makes sense since it could be potentially dangerous some of the hidden curricula that they could learn in med-school. it may be a bit of a challenge to find peer-reviewed articles but I’m sure I will find something that I will like.

Apart from that, I look forward to writing this it should be filled with interesting material

Week 2: January 13, 2020

Respond to the following- Curriculum development from a traditionalist perspective is widely used across schools in Canada and other countries (a) The ways in which you may have experienced the Tyler rationale in your own schooling; (b) What are the major limitations of the Tyler rationale/what does it make impossible; and (c) What are some potential benefits/what is made possible.

When I think about how the “tyler Rationale” was designed, it was made in the idea of a cookie cuter conveyer belt-like system that if done perfectly, and all the directions were followed, the community would be granted one fine addition to the workforce. I personally have experienced this schooling practice and I feel almost every person who attended grade school in Saskatchewan would have experienced the “Tyler Rationale” at some kind of level. The idea of being taught things only for the reason of “needing” it to be taught, being evaluated on our ability to hold that knowledge to pass and THEN maybe retaining that knowledge for future use, is how many students see the education system and I hope that we see a change very soon. As stated in the reading “The major weakness and, indeed, strength of the process model is that it rests upon the quality of teachers.” And I agree with this. The better the teacher we have, the more we all will benefit. Having educators that think outside of the curriculum and focusing on other abilities such as problem-solving, communication skills, manners, etc. will lead us down a better path as educators. But there will always be downsides, an educator’s political stance will shape the way they think of what is “good/right.” Also, what they few as important subjects very well could be the standard “Math, English, History” I’m not saying thinking this way is bad, but if we want to see a change its important for our educators to be more educated on all matters. And if we manage to have a broader understanding of what’s “important” then all our students will be able to grow and learn in different ways that are best suited for them.

Week 1- Jan 9, 2020

  • How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense?

“Commonsense limits what is considered to be consistent with the purpose of schooling. Alternative perspectives, including perspectives that challenge common sense, are already dismissed as irrelevant, inconsequential, or inappropriate. after all common sense does not tell us that this is what schools could be doing; it tells us that this and only this is what schools should be doing.”

It is important to know that what we (as a person/community) understand as common sense is subjective. everything that we know as commonsense was taught to us through repetition since birth as well as the knowledge that has been passed down through generations. So to apply this to the classroom, what some students know as common sense won’t be the same for others especially when it comes to the social rule of the school. as a teacher its important to understand this to help every student succeed.