Week 9

  • How has your upbringing/schooling shaped how you “read the world?” What biases and lenses do you bring to the classroom? How might we unlearn / work against these biases?

This is kind of a hard question since most of a person’s “biases” are unknown to themselves. I’m sure I have many “biases” that I live my life with every day and am completely unaware of.
My time in elementary and high school was very multicultural and was surprisingly inclusive to other sexual orientations. I feel because of my experiences in school I became more accepting and understanding of other people’s culture and sexuality.

other than that I often see the world around me as a very white-dominated environment where company greed will often squash and oppress people around them. I personally see corporations as “the bad guy” this is likely due to the views I have gained from school when reading about poverty, sexual assault white supremacy, and cover-up stories related to companies and businessmen. I know that my thoughts on this are very extreme and have recently been trying to be more understanding and openminded when dealing with large corporations but still have this view on them.

Like many people, I don’t like reading information about things I do not agree with. So for me as an educator, I’m sure I will read many papers from students and teach topics that I will not agree with politically. I will have to learn to contain my personal opinion so the students are able to develop their own.