October 6

I went back to my special place, the trees have almost lost all their leaves and all the little animals seem to have left, everything is slowly dying and starting their hibernation for the winter. I do feel a lot of myself in the area, perhaps it’s because I spent so much of my childhood running around and playing in this area with old friends. i would say a lot of who I am and life long memories were created in my special p[lace so I would say instead of the place mirroring me, I instead mirror this place.

This week I watched a short video called “The story of stuff” I do remember watching this video in high school but it was nice to see it again. the video goes through how we in the western world make and purchase products as well as our consuming habits. I won’t go over every section but I do want to talk about it. The video does a good job of making you realize how much of the planet we harm in order to make the things we want. an example would be my phone, first, the resources need to be extracted then refined, then it will further get processed in a large factory, those part are then distributed to companies such as Samsung, they then use those parts too creat my phone in another factory then they get delivered to a store. once they are there I drive my vehicle to pick it up and continually use energy to keep it charged. and once it becomes “obsolete” I discard it and get another.

This one purchase takes such a heavy toll on the environment and it is being done on an unimaginable scale. everything in my home has come from a factory and has needed to be delivered and transported to my home. you really realize how much damage you as an individual cause to the planet inadvertently.

now more than ever it’s important to think about what you need vs what you want and try to recycle as much as possible.

the readings were interesting, I particularly liked two hats, the different examples of how different people interreact in an environmental sense is interesting. I hope to one day be a environmental educator and will try my best to achieve this