October 27-29

For this week we have been doing our presentations, I have not presented mine yet but hope to later next week. All my classmates have made very interesting presentations and topics. the one that I really enjoyed was Kevin’s topic about stormwater pollution. this was something I never even knew about before so I was happy to learn about new environmental issues. to put it simply, stormwater isn’t being treated for pollution. so the rain that goes into sewers and then evaporated again spreads the pollution and can even spread to farm fields and wild animals, even our own drinking water. it was such a unique issue that I never heard about and will likely learn more about it on my own time!

I was going to go to my special place today but sadly it was closed for some kind of construction/maintenance. So instead I went for a walk around my neighbourhood. It was a little depressing being so close to Halloween and not seeing any kind of decorations. it’s amazing how much covid has affected so many different aspects of our cultures and traditions.

I did the Eco-foot print calculator and it said we would need about one and a half earth if everyone was to live like me, definitely not an amazing feeling but I do think this could be worse, perhaps with me being more aware, I will make better decisions.