December 1

To start off my week I went to visit my special place, however, they seemed to have had a pipeline break so I instead walked around the neighbourhood again, it was very quiet and peaceful with a fresh layer of snow covering everything, I always enjoy the crunching of the snow as I walk to it was very soothing

This week I have been very busy trying to make sure everything is handed in with all my classes, I have 4 final assignments which were all papers one after the other so I didn’t have much time to read all the readings, however, I did listen to the ted talk and want to talk about what I think the “One bowl, one spoon,” I believe what he’s getting at is that we should really limit ourselves to the things we actually need. in his example we don’t need to have multiple bowls all the time, we only need our bowl and once we use it we wash it and put it away. But we don’t do this, I myself have more than 10 bowls and when I use one I put it in the dishwasher. If I were to just clean the bowl when I’m done I would have no need for multiple, this would, in turn, reduce waste. using this idea on other things such as clothes, TVs, computers, laptops, etc could really reduce the amount of harm that one person has on the environment. but sadly like myself, I don’t want to give up what I have since I feel like I earned and deserve to have this stuff. I feel like this idea is good on paper but would not work for many different people and households

Once my assignments have been finished I will go on reading People of the Seventh Fire. I’m also looking for other ways that I can reduce my global footprint, I have started walking to nearby restaurants and stores instead of driving, it is very difficult in the winter since I don’t have the proper attire, but I feel its worth it to help do my part