Cross Stitching Week 1

 One thing that I learned about cross stitching this week – it takes time. I have realized I need to make myself a little schedule to meet my goal by the end of EDTC 300! 

I found that once I got started, I was okay. The hardest part though was definitely getting started. I struggled the most with putting the canvas on the hoop! Was seems like an easy step was actually one of the hardest. The QR code that came with my beginner cross stitching kit I am using for this project was LOTS of help. Once I scanned this code with my phone, it brought me to a website with YouTube videos linked to it. The video walked me through each step in order to get started on my project. It was easy to follow and was chunked into different sections making it really easy to understand.

This is the video I used. It is not the same pattern I am using for my project but it still works!

Once I got my Canvas (mostly) secure on my hoop I was able to get started! The video explained that cross-stitching is stitching actually crossed in order to make a picture. This is something that is quite obvious but I didn’t know. Once I got stitching my crosses, I was able to get into a zone – for the most part. There were times where I would have to unstitch a part and try again as my cross wasn’t exactly right. The cross stitching kit gives you a picture with what your project should look like. It has measurements and codes where each stitch and colour need to go making it easy to follow. You just need to count where to start from the middle part of your canvas. I was able to get my stitching mostly accurate. 

This is the patter I am using for my project.
This is how far I am gotten in my project. It doesn’t look like much but it is an hour and a half of work throughout the week. We have a chin and some hair!

Goal for next week: Have my outline done (the black part).

6 thoughts on “Cross Stitching Week 1

  1. Great job Sara! I have heard that cross stitching requires a huge amount patience and time. I have been wanting to learn to cross stitch but have not had the time.

  2. It looks great so far Sara! You may have already mentioned it in a previous post (sorry if I missed it), but I was wondering where you got your supplies from. I would love to learn how to cross stitch!

  3. This looks so good so far. I have done cross stitch before and I absolutely loved it! But I started with a plastic sheet instead of a fabric one first just to make it easier to learn the basics and now I am just rolling. Have fun!

  4. It looks awesome, Sara! Its crazy to think that is an hour and a half of work!! You are going to be putting in a lot of hours!!! Keep it up and don’t give up! 🙂

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