Coding… the story of my life
Hola a todos!
Well… I’m here to tell you a story. It’s the story of how I coded for the first time, but it can also be used as the story of my life, lol.
It all started with me coding a small project in Hour of Code (which by the way, was for little kids, the embarrassment only increased) and ended with me frustrated but with one less job.
First, I chose a project called Hola Mundo (in Spanish because it gave me the option).
Then the first part with very friendly instructions and, in fact, a lot of fun.

Even the person who invented this project spoke, which was very cool because he explained it.

Then all of a sudden, you had to code something a bit more difficult, and at each level, you had to code what you learned and something new that was added. I had to embarrassingly use the clues that the little bear offered you, and as if that wasn’t all, the Spanish was so strange that I regretted not doing it in English.

But finally, I got through all the steps (after an hour, no lie), and I lived up to the name of the page, “(One) Hour of Code.”
My life: I try, then I get frustrated, and finally, I succeed, feeling bad, hahaha.
Anyway, I half enjoyed it; I don’t think it’s -honestly speaking- worth it (sorry to my teacher), but if you’re teaching a group of kids this kind of technology for the first time, it can be very entertaining and challenging.
I give it 6/10 stars. I leave you my certificate so you know I did suffer the whole process, BUT I DID IT!