If At First, You Don’t Succeed, Try and Try Again


Well, my first full week of learning and practicing prenatal exercise did not go as well as I had hoped. On Sunday I found this great site on Pinterest that I felt would be excellent and easy to follow. I also Feel like this setup is a great way for me to measure my progress from the first week to the last, as I could track not only how I felt during and after the workout, but that I could also record the weight used. Another way to track my progress will be to compare my Fitbit tracking of the workout (stats)

My week went as follows:

Monday: Strength Training, 2 circuits of the following moves (15 repetitions of each): Squats, Shoulder Press, Deadlifts, Lateral Raises, Stationary Lunges (each side) and Upright rows.

Stats from my first workout on Monday May 10th

How I felt during: It was so HARD!! I could not believe how out of shape I have become. I was only able to use 5 pound weights for the moves and for a few of them I had to set down the weights all together in order to get through the remaining repetitions.

How I felt after: Exhausted yet Exhilarated!! I even found that I slept so much better than usual, here is a screenshot of my sleep that night!

How I felt the next day….so sore, yet so good!

Tuesday-Sunday: I fell off the bandwagon and so hard! I found that by the time I got finished night class I was so tired I just could not motivate myself to do it. I am having a very hard time finding when I can possibly fit this into my daily routine. I have decided that this next week I will try to workout out first thing in the morning which is not an easy task as I start work at 6 am, so this will mean getting up at 4:45 in the morning in order to get it done in time for me to make it to work. Wish me luck!

While I reflect on my successes and failures, I choose to focus on the good that at least I got the initial workout out of the way and I have good documentation to compare my last workout of this learning project to.


4 Replies to “If At First, You Don’t Succeed, Try and Try Again”

  1. Hello Brandy, I like your headline for your learning project it is very motivating to always never give up and continue to keep trying and I believe you are doing amazing job in your project. For me, I find it very hard to keep up with my routines (exercises) especially when the day gets so busy and reading your headline is so inspiring.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post this week and look forward to hearing more about your learning post in the coming weeks. I have always found fitness to be a great tool to help clear my mind or reduce stress, although with tighter restrictions in place it has been a few months since I have been able to attend sports and exercising from home can be difficult with all the day to day stressors and busy timing. But as you mentioned sometimes the best course of action is trying again. Thank you for the motivation.

  3. Hi Brandy,
    Wow, you are a supermama! You are working so hard!
    Good luck with your project – exercise is awesome and healthy – but give yourself a break when you can too!

  4. Hey Brandy,
    The title of this blog post really caught my attention and made me want to read more. I love that you chose to focus on the positives rather than the negatives at the end of the week, it shows great strength and such a positive mindset!
    – Ashley

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