Contributing To The Learning Of Others

It is hard to imagine what EDTC 300 would look like without the community that we built up throughout the term. There was never a lack of help, support, or just someone to talk to. Because of this, it made online classes a little bit more personal, and I think I can speak on behalf of everyone in Ed, we are all missing that personal touch.

Contributing to the learning of others was a foundational piece in this EDTC300 community really coming together. From Tweeting to commenting on blogs and messaging on Slack, we were all able to make an ideal learning environment amongst the pandemic. Truly, this would not have been possible to orchestrate had we been on campus as we had students logging on to our Wednesday night classes from all over Canada.

One of the biggest places I was able to connect with fellow classmates was on Zoom! I had a total of 3 zooms this semester and all three were both educational and enjoyable!

The first and third Zoom was with Cyandra. After learning that we were both tackling the same learning project we thought that it would be nice to connect and bounce some ideas off each other. Cyandra was a great friend and classmate throughout the semester and she shared some helpful information with me! I was also able to help her with a few skills, tips and tricks that I found useful in Procreate.

Zoom 1
Zoom 2

My second Zoom was with Kassia. After seeing on Twitter that she was doing fitness for her learning project, I reached out to see if she would be interested in doing a class with me. I have a Barre membership, and this was a workout that she had never done before! I sent her a few options of what workouts we could do, and we picked one from there. After that, we scheduled a time and got to sweating! This was an fun way to connect with Kassia and help her in her learning project as well.

Another big space for finding help with anything and everything EDTC (and occasionally cat memes) was Slack. On Slack, there were so many great resources shared and questions answered. Here are some of my contributions.

And what would EDTC 300 be without Twitter

Overall, this course has definitely been one of my favourites! Is it weird to say as we head into spring/summer that I am going to… miss it?? I love school but not typically THIS MUCH. I have learnt so much this term from my learning project to lectures and all of my amazing classmates!


Here is a link to a google slide with a few additional contributions.

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