In a world where fake news and information is everywhere, it becomes more important than ever to teach students about digital literacy. What is digital literacy you ask, Western City University describes it as, “Understanding how to use web browsers, search engines, email, text, wiki, blogs, Photoshop, Powerpoint, video creation/editing software, etc. to showcase learning. Evaluating online resources for accuracy/trustworthiness of information”. In today’s world, it is much harder to distinguish between what is real and fake news, click here to read an article all about it. It is so much harder because the technology in this era has advanced so much, everyone has access to the internet and has the ability to change information, this is called media manipulation. Another reason for false information being everywhere is from ‘trolls’, or ‘bots’. To learn more about trolling and media manipulation, check out pages 1-22 in this link. As the NTCE states, students need to learn about the harms of fake news and how it can affect students in multiple ways (ie. grades, health, false beliefs etc). This is why its so important that we teach our students how to identify whats real and fake on the internet.

As a future elementary teacher I plan on teaching digital literacy in respect to the Saskatchewan Curriculum. For grade 1, I would implement digital literacy into USC1.1 . This outcome is about making examining healthy behaviours and what these behaviour may do to affect a persons well-being. I would add in the idea of digital literacy by making sure my students understand that fake news and trolling is not a healthy behaviour and the affects that are associated with trolls and fake news on the internet. There are many ways that I would go about teaching my students about fake news. First thing being this video , what kids don’t love to watch videos!? I would also use these fun games as a way for younger students to identify fake news as well as still being engaged. Check them out: https://this.deakin.edu.au/society/quiz-can-you-spot-the-fake-news-headline
There are many ways to teach students about the harms of fake news and how to spot it. For example, bringing in fake news and teaching it, showing students what trolls look like on the internet, using information verification checkers, using games as listed above, etc. It is SO important that we teach our students to understand media manipulation, trolls, fake news, bots, catfishes, etc. as a way to protect them from the harms of the internet world!

I really enjoyed reading your digital literacy response! I feel it is extremely important to teach digital literacy especially with the world becoming more digital! Most of the time people find their news and facts on the internet and therefore risk the chance of coming across fake news. This is why it is responsible and important to teach students even at a young age like you mentioned in grade 1 to understand the different between true and fake news and how they can better understand and identify what is real news and what is fake news. Thanks for connecting digital literacy directly to a specific outcome and indicator from the Sask Curriculum it makes it much easier when planning a digital literacy lesson.
Great response to digital literacy! It is so important to teach digital literacy in a classroom, especially since children are gaining access to the internet and electronic devices at such a young age. I was never taught digital literacy within the classroom and I feel as I got older, I was asked to find “reliable sources” for assignments, yet I was never taught what a reliable source actually was. I really enjoy the visuals you used within your post as it shows what news sources are more bias. Thanks for sharing!