EDTC300,  Learning Project EDTC300

Goodbye for now

Well it is now the end of term, which is so crazy for me to believe. Even though my cooking recipe blog posts may stop here I will be continuing to grow my culinary skills. I look forward to trying this recipes again and using new technology to advance my cooking skills.

The reason I chose to further my cooking skills is because I found living by myself there was no enjoyment for cooking. Most of the time when I  would go grocery shopping I often filled my cart with all ready made meals and cheap ramen. This project taught me that there is more to learn then just the physical food and recipes. I learned about nutrition, health, how to be creative with food, internet recipes and how food is a connection to one another.

When using the internet to find recipes I got to use Pinterest, TikTok, Reddit, an online blog, and the food network. Having access to these types of apps/websites taught me about how to appreciate having the internet for my learning at my fingertips. I also got to learn about if they were reliable or not and thought about how I would use these sites in my future classroom.

Having this blog kept me engaged in my learning and I was excited to share with others the recipes I found. The recipes I chose were beginner level so anyone could be successful if they wanted to try them out. I also had fun taking pictures to make my blog more exciting. My favourite part of this whole assignment was having Puns for my titles, I feel it made it more exciting to read and made you want to click on my blog to see what I wrote about each week.

I would like to continue to add to my blog about my journey through getting my Education,  by doing this it will help create a good digital footprint and people that read my blog can learn about who I am as a person.

Summary of learning video:



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