Yesterday I subscribed to Feedly, an RSS reader that helps you sort through and find articles, videos, and information. This is a very useful tool that organizes information and stores it all in one place. I was able to follow different outlets by searching for the topic I was interested in, and picked articles I found to be intriguing and relevant. Some of the topics I came across were education technology, lesson planning and approaches to teaching, and tips for a new cook (for my learning project).
Two of the best resources I have found so far are:
- Teach Thought
Teach Thought posts articles about lesson planning, educational quotes, and observations about how teaching can be approved. Teach thought has many great lists and addresses how learning experiences can be improved. One article I talked about on my twitter is called 12 Things Every Lesson You Teach Should Have. It talks about what every lesson should include to make the class more engaging and improve the performance of students. Teach Thought is a great resource to challenge and improve how educators view teaching. When I begin teaching I plan on using positive online references like Teacher Thought to enhance my teaching philosophy.
2. Food Wishes
Food Wishes posts Youtube videos that walk you through how to cook various different meals. I followed this site to get new ideas for my learning project, and gain helpful tips on how to cook. Some of the interesting meals I have looked at so far are their pancake lasagna and sausage stuffed potato pancakes. I hope to try to make one of their meals for my learning project and post about how it turned out.
Feedly makes finding information much easier and provides one place to find articles. I like how you can have multiple categories to sort information. I am excited to use Feedly to find articles to share on twitter with my peers. Feedly will be a tool that I use this semester and beyond to find information and learn new things!
Credit for cover photo: Tony Schnagl via Pexels
TeachThought seems like such a great resource, I’ll have to check that out and maybe add it to my own Feedly account!
Hi Jeron,
I discovered Teach Thought through Feedly as well. My first impression was “wow, what an amazing resource!” There is a wealth of information and tools on that site – just sitting, waiting to be discovered and utilized!
Hey Jeron! Thanks for the great post. It looks like Feedly has benefited you as well! I found it super helpful to find new resources to help me as a future educator. I was so focused on teaching articles that I didn’t even think of finding ones for my personal interests. I am going to look into Food Wishes because it sounds delicious!!