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The Tyler rationale

As I read the chapter and learned about the Tyler rationale model I can see how it has been used in schooling today and when I was younger. I always knew that educators followed a guideline as to what they had to complete/teach the students by the end of the year, but I did not know that it was this model. I can understand now that it was used when I was growing up in my classrooms. It makes sense to me why teachers would use this method of teaching as it gave them guidelines and rules to follow in order to accomplish all that needs to be done for the year. As I look back on my years in elementary for example, most classes would always end in a examination/project for the course from over the year.

Some of the major limitations from this model would be that the teacher may get lost in following these rules and staying on task, rather then getting to know the students and building that relationship with them, which is key to success in a classroom. We also have to understand that not all students are the same and will learn in different ways, or at a slower pace and that could effect the Tyler rationale.

Something that is beneficial when it come to the Tyler rationale is that it does promote great organization for teachers to follow throughout the school year. It does give them guidelines as to what needs to be done by a certain time, which keeps the course on track. Although it is great for organization, we have to keep in mind that we should be able to teach in our own ways in order to accommodate for every student.

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