Over the past few weeks I feel that I have adapted more to the use of Twitter and all the resources that come from it. Don’t get me wrong I am still learning how to function it and what to post on a day to day basis. But from what I have experienced so far, it is a pretty resourceful tool! I noticed that this platform is very educational and not all about celebrities and what’s new in Hollywood. This is a place where people from all over the world share their experiences, problems, solutions and resources to help others.
I think Twitter is one of the most used social medias for teachers ever. It is a pretty easy way to communicate with people from all over the world and resource sharing is pretty simple. When I was in my field placement last year, the teacher I was with was a huge fan of social media and technology for her resources as a teacher. It allowed her to communicate with other educators for tips and tricks for classroom learning and activities.

I really enjoyed my #SaskEdChat on Twitter! At the beginning of the class I had no idea what to expect, as I have never heard of this hashtag, or community before. I was a little skeptical at first because we are just answering questions, however, I ended up loving it! The experience of answering thoughtful questions for pre-service or any experienced teacher was awesome! I really liked how the questions made you think about the future, resources for your classroom and a bunch of other things. This experience allowed me to communicate with fellow classmates and be engaged into conversations. I would definitely take part in this chat again!