This past week in class, we talked about digital citizenship. According to Digital Citizenship– “Digital citizenship is the continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.” This is made up of 9 elements that can be used in multiple different subject areas. The elements are listed below:
- Digital Access
- Digital Commerce
- Digital Communication and Collaboration
- Digital Etiquette
- Digital Fluency
- Digital Health and Welfare
- Digital Law
- Digital Rights and Responsibility
- Digital Security and Privacy
Here is a fun, short video explaining it a little more:
While taking a look at the Saskatchewan Curriculum, I am able to find connections made to different subject areas that can connect to using digital citizenship in the classroom.
From the English Language Arts grade 8 curriculum:
CR8.4 View critically and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of visual and multimedia texts including videos, television broadcasts, informational presentations, dramatic presentations, websites, and news programs to locate and interpret key messages and details, to develop conclusions, opinions, and understanding, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the text.
b. Demonstrate ability to navigate and process information
when viewing websites, films, videos, and presentations.
d. Identify creative uses of language in visual and multimedia
texts including those associated with popular culture (e.g.,
animation, video, computer games).
f. Compare various styles of data displays for clarity and
g. Evaluate the overall effectiveness and impact of a range
of individual visual and multimedia texts (including digital
Within English class, we can teach our students how to be respectable and responsible with technology and teach them the skills they need but with also being safe online.

From the Health Education grade 8 Curriculum:
USC 8.7 Assess the social, cultural, and environmental influences on and supports for sexual health knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and decisions.
f. Examine how the social, cultural, and environmental
influences may determine people’s knowledge and access to
sexual health information.
In health class we can assess our students and teach them what they need to know in class instead of allowing them to do research by themselves. As educators we need to educate our students on a subject matter such as this one and be there for them with any questions or concerns that may come come up.
With integrating digital citizenship in the classroom, my hopes and goals are to teach students about the use of technology and why we should not take it for granted. Technology is a privilege to have and students should understand that concept in their everyday lives. With allowing students to do projects and their own research we need to trust that they will be using their time and online properly and for the right reasons. I will be using technology in my classroom as it is a great concept for students to learn and understand different medias and information in a unique way.
One Comment
Sarah Wright
Hi Melina,
I have found that health and ELA are the two strongest subjects to connect digital citizenship to. There are some areas within the PAA modules to teach about digital citizenship or digital footprints. Some more middle years outcomes would be…
USC7.7 Investigate and express understanding of possible discrepancies in morals (e.g., beliefs, ethics, virtues, understanding of right/wrong) that may determine and/or affect the commitment to the well-being of self, family, community, and the environment.
D. Investigate possible relationships and/or tension among values (e.g., values of integrity and honesty
F. Express an understanding of how norms, trends, and values in society influences self, others, and relationships.
G. Explore the source and rationale of social precepts/principles (e.g., prohibitions, rules, rights, norms in everyday life).
K. Determine situations when one may be required to assert personal beliefs in the face of opposition.
CR7.4 View and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of visual and multimedia texts with specific features (e.g., circle graphs) and complex ideas including the visual components of media such as magazines, newspapers, reference books, graphic novels, broadcast media, videos, and promotional materials.
B. View critically to understand and analyze opinions and messages presented in visual and multimedia texts.
G. Analyze and evaluate what is seen in visual and multimedia (including digital) texts considering elements, techniques, and overall effect.
And these outcomes within grade 7 career ed would be great to start talking about Digital Communication and Collaboration.
Explore and draw conclusions about the influences of positive and negative self-images on one’s life and work.
Develop and demonstrate the behaviours and understandings needed for building healthy relationships (i.e., emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical).
Thanks for sharing